The New Victoria

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I'm back, I know, I took forever. I left my hair down for an hour and it annoyed me so I ties it up with an extra five hairties in my pocket and the one on my wrist. I'm surprised they allow us to have hair ties but that was a completely different stor-
"Eve McCarty! You have a letter!" A sudden deep voice yells down the corridor, other prisoners turning ans staring into me. Slowly I make my way, cautiously towards my cell door, taking each step as if it may be my last and on the sudden, halts.
"I am here." I speak, softly and calm on the outside, my voice silk but my mind with swirls of thoughts and worry as if a thousand boulders are going to crash down on me while I'm stuck in one place.
"You have a letter." The warden says, passing me a letter as I smile at him.
"Thank you very much, but are you sure it is my name?"
"It says so on the front and some people privately checked it, confirming it."
"Oh, in that case, thank you very much, may I have it?"
The warden nods and passes me the letter then walk away. Their voice sounded familiar. Huh.
Shaking off the confusing thoughts swirling in my head I open up the letter and hesitantly unfold it, scanning over the two words fancy lettered words and the scratched in name at the bottom I drop the thick  piece of paper and it floats elegantly to the stone ground.
"I'm here~ JD"
"Mat... MATT!" I scream the guards name as he walks over, ready for action as I back into the corner of my 'bed' and shakes like the Christchurch earthquake. "He...he is here.. He is going to get me... He's here.." I sob, my knees curling up into my pale chest.
"Who is?" Matt says
"Jason Dean."
As soon as I say his name, Matt's face pales majorly with his mouth gaping slightly as he starts shaking.
The next thing from that I remember I was being taken to a judge to see if I was acceptable for protection area of the pri-
"Yes Miss McCarthy you can stop there. We know the rest" The judge who wears too much lipstick and not enough eye liner stares at me.
"You are accepted but on one condition; you join the group training as all people in protection do." After a pause or so I nod my head.
"Yes ma'am." She then slams her hand on her desk.
"It is decided Miss. Eve McCarthy may join the protection group as long as she is training." She smirks, something she isn't telling me.
"But Miss Eve, I forgot to say. All those who enter the training also-"
This is the part where it gets messy, and a whole lot of shit goes down.

500 reads! Thank you all my lovely honeys! 💙

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