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We barged into the house the second the door was opened by a maid. "Where is he?!" I yelled over my shoulder to the maid. Fright clearly displayed on her face as she watched us.

"He is in his office Sir" she replied me. I gave Liam a knowing look from his side before we proceeded up the stairs. We were accompanied by two officers and Liam's secretary.

"I'll go in first" I started as soon as we got to the door of my dad's office "You guys should wait for my cue" I said as I took the camera chip from Liam and attached it to a corner of the fake glasses I'd worn just so we could get any necessary clips which would be useful in court.

"Good,we'll wait down the hallway" Liam told me and I nodded in agreement before he turned and led the rest down. I adjusted my suit,as well as the recording device in my ear before turning the knob and walking in.

"Ah..." he started looking away from the newspaper which hung loosely in his arms. "To whom do I owe the pleasure" he said closing the newspaper as I came to sit on the sofa opposite the one he was seated on.

"I thought you'll be parambulating around by now trying to find your mistress" he laughed before talking a sip from his wine glass which sat on the side glass table to his right. "But it seems you've gotten much wiser,you're finally seeing things from my point of view" he told me with a sneer. I gave a dry laugh.

"And I for one thought you'd go into hiding after you outrightly blurted to me that you kidnapped a ten year old child from his home" I told him which made his smirk drop.

"Let's be quick here Dad,I really dont have a lot of time on me" I said glancing at my wristwatch before looking back to him,my face going stoic that very minute.

"Rodger Kennels,does it strike a bell?" I asked him sternly. His eyes darkened as he stared directly at me,a hint of rage crossing his face.

"I rephrase,2004 plane crash,night flight from Britain,2004 embezzlement schemes from almost 25 companies. Was that enough to refresh your memory?" I asked him. By now,his rage was clearly evident on his face as he clutched the arm of his sofa.

"That bastard" he started lowly. "I showed him so much mercy " he said under his breath and I squinted my eyes in an attempt to hear the other words he muttered. "He contacted you,didn't he?!" He suddenly exploded and although I was taken aback,I wasnt surprised.

Contacted me? Wasnt he dead? I clearly remembered Hazel telling me he'd died in that plane crash. Thinking of her got me even more enraged,my father had the guts to make her life miserable ten years ago and he was still trying to.

"What if he did? Did you expect him to stay silent forever? You separated him from his family in the most cruel way and you really thought he would stay quiet even when he got the chance to open up?" I asked. I had no idea what I was saying,but I knew that the way to get more information out of him was to use reverse psychology.

"He shouldnt have made that mistake! I'll kill him just as I should have ten years ago! I'll make sure to get rid of that old scaliwag with my own bare hands" he exploded even more,taking to his feet and pointing fingers at me. And I watched with a building rage,how dare he? I chose to control my anger,just so I could get it all from him. Look who's talking, I thought.

"I did everything for him,everything! It wasnt my fault he got his hands soiled with information he shouldnt have! I saved him from getting on that plane,even when the rest who knew about it had already gotten on it. I gave that peasant everything and I only asked for one thing,just one" he continued to expanciate. I fisted my hands into balls,trying time hold back my anger by all means.

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