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Thank you for giving this book a try. Xoxo Daisy!

Uma watched as Harry flipped the channels everyone of them talking about Mal and prince Bens plan to bring over more Isle kids.

It was like salt being poured into her wounds. It had only been four months from her failed attempt to take over boradon. She's bearly let the ship except to work the night shift at her moms. All she'd done is plot and perfect her new plan to take over. To finally show Mal she didn't need her to show her mother she was better then her. To prove to everyone she was no longer that small trusting weak child she once was.

Yet every night she still finds herself sitting on the beach with Gil talking and crying her eyes out about how much it all just hurt.

Sighing as she stood up shutting off the tv and making her way over to Harry and Gil.

"Harry go train with the crew."

Harry gave her his signature smirk before grabbing her hand.
"Yes my dear Uma. Should I intensify the practice today?"

She couldn't help the smile that graced her lips. Ruffling his hair watch as he closed his eyes and leaned into her touch.

"Yes make it so they feel as if there lungs were on fire. I need them to be better then... Last time. Especially if we're to win this time around."

Harry kissed her hand before standing and walking away. He stopped once at the door turning back to look at Gil.

Uma cleared her throat and sat back down looking at Gil.

"I'll send Gil after I'm done talking to him." Harry nodded and walked out a bit disappointed.

As he headed to the Fish & Chip to gather the crew he couldn't help feeling upset. He was Uma's right hand and yet it seemed she was spending more and more time with Gil. It left him feeling dare he say...jealous of the attention she gave Gil.

With a scold on his face he walk into the dingiy joint. Today will be hell for the crew Harry was in no mood to go easy on anyone now.

Back on the ship Uma was sitting in the couch that Harry tend to occupy. Laying on her back as she talked to Gil. It was there new thing a daily therapy session. Normally they'd do this at night but the questions were muddling up her mind to much to even come up with a new plan.

"So...Uma what's the matter today?" Gil asked with caution. Tho he may seem not all there he was a lot smarter them he acted. It was one of the reasons why Uma kept him around.

With a heavy sigh she closed her eyes. "There are just so many questions filling my head now about...for..."

Gil just nodded as he took out the journal he used pacifically for Uma's therapy sessions.

"Well what questions do you want to ask Mal? Tell me as if you were asking her. It may help."

With a deep breath Uma opened her eyes stealing up at the ceiling.

"Why did you leave me here to burn? I feel doomed here in this hell hole. " Sighing she stood up as she started pacing back and forth.

"Why don't you care? I was there when no one was but now your gone and I'm here?"

The knowing tears started to fill her eyes as she let the questions spill from her mouth.

"Who do you think you are? You have nerve to be trying help out now."

Gil watched her not taking his eyes off her as he wrote down every word that left her mouth. Daring not to speak in case it knocks her out this trance.

"Why you trying to play me for a fool? I should have never ever trusted you."

"Why would lie to me? Where's the friend you swore you'd be? You voice sounds so dangerous to me now."

Uma sat back down as she let the tears fall from her eyes.

"Why don't you care? I did nothing but be there for you when you were alone. Yet you toss me to the side for your new friends forgetting all about me. Calling me names and leaving me in the dirt. Telling me I'm to soft to be apart of your world. YOU'D BE NOTHING IF IT WASN'T FOR ME!!! BUT SO YOU CARE NO BUT NOW YOUR GONE AND IM STUCK HERE!!!!"

Uma collapsed into a crying mess on the couch. Gil stood up and laid a blanket over her knowing she'll cry herself to sleep soon. Walking out of the room with the notebook secured in his bag. Locking the door before heading to training.

He had a feeling things were about to Change and he wasn't so sure it was going to be good.

OMO so here's the first chapter I hope you guys like it. I've never written a fanfic based off a movie or show or book so this is a first. Any way do comment and give me feedback thank you.

Daisy out✌

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