Chapter four

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I was enthusiastic about Tuesday because , for one, I had English third period and second, Tuesday was one of the two days of the school week that I didn't have to work at the daycare.

I love those kids but if I was going to be seeing Dale's older brother everytime, I might strangle myself.

Erin didn't hesitate to prey on that little fact from my first day.

"I'm itching to say I told you so. Itching." she mentioned as we made our way to English.

"you've made your point. I get it, okay? The guy's an asshole."I huffed. I felt so embarrassed even though no one knew but Erin and me and the idiot culprit of course.

We walked into English and took our seats at separate sides of class.
I pulled out the selected text for the month, Scarlet letter, and set it on my table. Right after the teacher came in, Connor Simms did.

God why?!

I looked over at Erin and she waa already looking smugly at me. She winked at me and I fought the urge to gag.

Connor walked over to the back of the class and took a seat right behind me, perfect.

Throughout the English class, I felt as though Connor was starting mockfully at me, I know it was just me being paranoid because of what happened at the daycare, but u couldn't stop the feeling.

Class ended way later than I'd preferred and soon, so did the school day.
* * * * *

I was sitting cross-legged on my bed, with my back against the headboard. It was a couple of minutes past eight and I just had dinner.
I dailed the number the number that I'd been swearing at for the past few days.

I expected it when I got the answering machine. I don't leave messages anymore so I killed the line and dialed again.

After two rings, I was about to shut off the line when she picked up

"mom? "

I heard the sound of the TV through the phone,behind her voice.

"Sam is this you? "

"yeah, mom it's me." I replied ,sad that I was sure she was a bit intoxicated because I just called her mom and being her only child, she would have known it was me but I was happy she was okay.

" I got your messages sweetie, but I was too occupied to reply them, but i was going to call " she slurred.
"Too occupied? For me? Over a week mom?" I sobbed.

I heard her sigh defeatedly on her phone.

"You know I'm trying honey. I really am." she said, her voice almost in a whisper.

"I believe you mom. But I need you to try harder. I just need my mom right now."

She didn't answer for a second then she said.

"You think I should see someone." I nodded then I realised she couldn't see me.

"Yeah. I think you should get some help"

I cried myself to sleep at night just wishing my life could turn out differently.

This chapter is divided so it counts as two chapters. Its so i can qualify in time for the watties. I hope you guys understand. Please give this book a chance, there's a lot of Good stuff coming i swear. Thanks!

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