Chapter 8

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I went to the workstation to get my bag then I came back out to meet Connor where he was standing by the door.

  "alright then... "

  We head out and got to his black challenger.  A part of me knew they this was probably one of the worst decisions I've made because nothing ever goes right when I'm with Connor.  But because I'm dumb and I needed a ride... I got in shotgun while Dale sat at the back.

  Such a young kid... Wish my childhood was peaceful and perfect like that.... instead...

     "So, I kept to my part of the deal..." Connor started,  cutting the silence in the car besides the sounds from Dale's video game.

Why was he even talking to me?

Maybe my boobs aren't big enough and he can't see that I'm a girl... He obviously doesn't 'do' girls and he definitely made it clear when he was being a complete dickhead to me earlier.

   "Why are you even speaking to me?" I deadpanned,  deciding to cut the crap.  He wasn't going to get inside my head.  Nah brah.

     He turned a confused look towards me which later morphed into a smirk.

   "We're back at this guess. " he turned back to the road.

  "No.  You don't don't get to pretend to be nice to me and then go all ' I don't give two shits about you' on me." I honestly don't know why it got to me so just pisses me off that he was being so hot n cold with me.  Obviously, I was no-one special.... But....

   "So it bothers you that I'm not nice to you? " a smirk tugged at the corner of his lips.

    What a dick...

"I didn't know you think of me that way. "

"turn here...6th street... 13..."
I ignored his ego.

" ignoring me, smooth." as the car turned into my street. God, I want to slap that stupid smirk off his face so bad!

   " you wanna know what I think about you?  You're an egoistical jackass who needs to get over himself but that will probably be a heck of a trip because your head is so big, even a hat won't help! " I suddenly snap.  He looked amused and barely affected by my outburst.

  "Well,  Sammie....that would be a shame...if I gave a flying fuck...." he said in the calmest,  smoothest fucking tone.

   "Don't call me Sammie..." I seethed... He just had this way of pushing my buttons.  Hard.

  He leaned forward and when he was a few inches away from my already heated face ( although I was trying so hard to keep my angry expression, it was hard as he was so close to my face.  Like right in there...)
   " Get out of my car." he whispered,  breaking me out of my small trance.

He leaned back into his seat,  smiling like a Cheshire cat who beat Santa to the cookies on Christmas morning. 

  "Asshole" I muttered as I picked up my bag from the floor of the car and opened the door with as much force as possible.

   I stepped down onto the tarred pavement and slammed the door with so much force that Dale looked up from his game,  probably oblivious to the conversation between Connor and me as he had on earphones.

     He gave me a small wave and I nodded to him before giving a glare to Connor who just winked at me and drove off as though he was running out of hell.


I didn't even know when he stopped the car.  He dropped me off a few houses from mine.  What a dick...

Sorry for the wait guys... The entire draft of this book got deleted so I had to start over and I haven't even gotten round to editing yet.  Amidst sat prep classes and family stuff,  I've been super busy but I promise to finish this book before November or even October ending.  Stay with me, please.

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