Chapter Fourteen

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(Don't be Widdle ghost readers 👀)  Malik...

"Daddy stop!" Xyla screams once her father pounces on top of me. I struggle to hold him off not trying to hurt him. He slams me to the ground before his his foot kicks at my side. I groan and roll over trying to move away. 
"What the fuck is going on?!" I hear a male voice scream. Her father kicks me in the jaw and I clench my eyes shut.  "Malik! Malik get up and do something!" Xyla screams.
"I-I don't w-wanna hurt him." I groan and he clenches my shirt and stands me to my feet. 
"You think you can just come in my house and fuck my daughter?" He screams in my face. My body is slammed back to the ground and I feel my side being kicked again.
"Really Xyla! You snuck this nigga in?!" Her brother yells at her. Before I know it both of them are jumping me. "Stop! Please! Just let him go home!" Xyla runs up between them and puts herself in front of me. Her brother shoves her out of the way before bending down to send a blow to my jaw. Xyla jumps into action again this time pushing him away from me.

"Man Xyla move!" Her brother screams and she shakes her head. I lean my head back and cough.  Blood trickles from the side of my mouth and nose. 
"J-just let him go." Tears stream down her face. I slowly force my body up and struggle to stand.
"Shit!" I hiss and hold my side.
"Nigga I tell you to get up?!" Her father screams before kicking me back down.  Her mother I assume comes around the corner and gasps. 
"You two stop it! Stop it right now!" She yells and they both freeze. Xyla backs them away from me and I chuckle to myself. I stand up with the help of her and wince. She holds my arm tightly and looks up at me. I lick my lips tasting the metallic taste of the blood. 
"Xyla I-I don't see this working out..." I tell her before licking my lips once more. She shakes her head and cries harder.

"Malik no!" She wraps her arms around my waist. I cringe from the pain but slowly wrap my arms around her. I look up at her father and he stands there with his jaw clenched.  I pull her away from the hug and grab her face.
"I gotta respect what they want. This is your fathers house." I say and her bottom lip quivers. 
"Then let me come stay with you!" She grasps my shirt in her small palms. I shake my head at her.
"It's not that easy Xyla..." I smile down at her and kiss her cheek. "I'll see you around." I finally say before backing away from her. She shakes her head vigorously sad her teeth pierce her bottom lip. 

"If I ever catch you here again I won't hesitate to fuckin kill you." Her dad grits at me. I nod and turn away from them. Walking down the hallway I make eye contact with Sam. I didn't even know she was still here. She mouths a 'sorry' and I smile lightly. She shakes her head and looks away from me. She rushes over to Xyla who's crying loudly behind me.

As I drive home a call comes through. I press the button to answer it.
"Malik! Did you forget that you're supposed to meet me at your place?" Lani says.
"No, I'm on my way now." I mumble and hang up the call. I hurry home and park in the driveway. Lani stands up from the door step with a mug on her face. 
"Bout time, what the fu- what happened to you?" I shake my head at her and keep my way towards the house. I unlock the door and allow her to step into the house first. I close and lock the door behind us and turn to her.
"Imma go change and shit... I'll be back down." I mumble she nods with a eye roll.  After I change I make my way back to her. She sits on the white leather couch with the papers lined up in front of her. I limp over to the couch and take a seat a few feet away from her. She gives me a mean mug and grabs a pen.

"Sign here, here and here." She says pointing at the lines with the pen.
"We really gotta go through all of this just for a divorce?" I ask her. She nods and pops a piece of gum in her mouth. "Wait... why this shit saying you get half of everything? You ain't pay for none of this shit." I spit angrily at her.  I was already on edge and now she was trying me. 
"Just sign it Malik." She rolls her eyes again.
"No the fuck I'm not. Well take this shit to court." I huff pushing that one aside and signing the rest. She snatches the papers and shoves the side of my head.  "You know what! Fuck you Malik! You wonder why this shit ain't work out. I've been trying to work it out for the past two weeks but you haven't even put in the fucking effort." She stands and points at me.
"You right! Cause I ain't bout to deal with your shit no more! There's plenty of fish in the fucking sea Lani! And you know what? I got my eyes on one of em."  Her nostrils flare as she clenches her fist. 

"I hope that whoever did that to you fucks you up worse next time! You're not shit Malik! Never will be! You keep your bum ass house and cars and shit! I don't need you! Never did! Fuck you Malik I'm out. And I wish you the absolute worst in life!" With that she stomps away from me and towards the front door. She opens it and slams it shut behind her only causing my headache to get worse. I plop back on the couch and rub my temples. Can't a nigga catch a break? __________________________
I love you guys to much to make you wait so here. I'm going to set goals for my chapters though so... 30+ comments and 45+ votes for the next update? 😁✌🏽

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