9. "Camila, you miss nothing ,do you?"

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Hey guys, so I'm slapping a bigger warning on this chapter, it has attempts of rape in this chapter and such so if that is something you're sensitive to I suggest you avoid it.

The sensitive content will be in this bold font so if you want you can skip over it when you see it coming, and when the font returns to regular it's clear to read.
Read this at your own risk if you feel you're okay with Handling it, but don't say I didn't warn you.

I'm just looking out for you guys AF cuz love you AF and I don't wanna hurt anyone with this chapter.

So we out here
-love Carly Af


Camila's Pov

"Mr. Andrews, I did the sum in my head, and with the number of lifeboats times the capacity you mentioned... forgive me, but it seems that there are not enough for everyone aboard." – I said, manifesting my opinion clearly to the man guiding us across starboard.

Mr. Andrews was a close friend of the family, naturally. Our wealthy line in society turning both of our families into instant acquaintances, and with the passing of the years, really good comrades.

He was a good man, never showing off like his fellow affluent mates. I first got to meet Mr. Andrews when I was still a little girl, a lady in the works, and he treated me with kindness and truthfulness.

"About half, actually. Camila, you miss nothing, do you?" – He asked sweetly, turning around to face me and gesturing the boats along deck – "In fact, I put in these new type davits, which can take an extra row of boats here. But it was thought... by some... that the deck would look too cluttered. So I was over-ruled."

"Waste of deck space as it is, on an unsinkable ship!" – Stated Austin, emerging from behind me and kicking one of the boats in the process.

I gripped Harry's arm tighter, wanting to get as far away from the man as possible. The young man besides me eyed me curiously but said nothing. We hadn't exchanged any other word after our discussion that morning, but we had to put on our masks and pretend to be a happy engaged couple for the others to admire. Our distinguished acting worked, having received praises by Mr. Andrews, Mr. Ismay and Captain Smith himself that morning after our reunion in the dining room. The pretended reality far away from the truth.

"Sleep soundly, dear Camila. I have built you a good ship, strong and true. It's got all the lifeboats you need." – Mr. Andrews affirmed with a confident smile before signaling Harry to join him, which he did – "Young man; I believe I have heard you are quite interested in maritime area."

"Why yes, Sir. Very much."

"You hadn't told me that, dear." – I called from behind the two men who were now walking away from me.

"I'm sorry, love. I just think that the naval field isn't suited for women. We don't want you falling off a ship while trying to see the propellers again, do we?" – Harry said before turning his attention back to Mr. Andrews and creating a much larger distance between us.

For our first trade of a somehow civil conversation that hadn't gone very well. Harry was trying to act like a complete fool out of revenge for what'd happened, but the attitude didn't suit him very well at all. I scowled at him, fighting the urge to yell some obscenities I'd learned the previous night in third class.

I, however, didn't entirely restrain myself and showed his turned head the middle finger momentarily.

"My, my, that isn't very lady-like, Karla. " – Austin said in a raspy voice behind me. In-between our silent quarrel with Harry I'd completely forgotten he was there, leaning against the boat he'd just showed his dislike for – "What would your dear mother say? Should I tell her?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2018 ⏰

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