Held captive once again.

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Original pov

(At the same moment)

Lifty woke up to a arguing Shifty who is very upset and Flippy along with Flaky. He was about to get up when he felt like someone poked a tiny needle on his neck. He was paralyzed as he fell on the floor and mumbled, Shifty.....hheellpp.... Lifty felt like someone was dragging him away as his vision became blurry. He was extremely paralyzed as he felt the figure tie his hands together and slugged him up its shoulder. Lifty tried to struggle free from its grasp but he didn't have enough energy to do it. Lifty heard mumbling voices. One he recognized as Shifty and the other Flippy. A moment later Liftys vision became a little clear but he couldn't move and could only make a muffling sound. Lifty was paralyzed as he realized he was not only bound (hands tied together and feet handcuffed) and gagged (strip of duct tape across his mouth) but realized what position he was in. A familiar voice said as another figure in Halloween mask walked in, seems familiar doesn't it Lifty? The younger twin felt paralyzed as he recognized the voice. Liftys eyes widened as the figure removed his mask and revealed none other than Cuddles who had a very cold glare right at him. The blonde said coldly as he made him gazed up at him, that's right Lifty Handy and I are the real masterminds behind all this and I'll tell you this now since your already finished.....when we heard about that incident with Splendid and the krytonut and you two twits taking both our ladies hostage at the lemonade stand you obviously pissed us off....and nobody messes with my Giggles...*Handy: or my petite Petunia* so we plot this magnificent plan to get our revenge by kidnapping you and humiliating your brother so he will take the fall for the train robbery we could've done this ourselves but we needed a little help so we got Toothy, Lammy, Disco-Bear, the Mole, and not to mention we bribe Nutty with candy if he do this along with us....But now phase 2 has been ruined thanks to Flippy and Flaky we were fortunate that Toothy and Disco-Bear survived the attack and told us.... so we are going to have to go on phase three and phase three is is to get rid of you. Lifty couldn't help but feel scared at what there going to do to him. Disco-bear entered the room along with Handy and looked at him with lustful eyes. Handy said as he laugh, well since your done for we made a deal with Disco-Bear if he do it he would take your virginity forcefully. Lifty gasped and his eyes widened in fear as they knew he was afraid of being killed and being raped. Cuddles said, well Disco-Bear here's your end of the bargain we will be back to finish him off when he's Fucked up.....hahahahaha well Lifty time to say goodbye. Both left the room and closed the door as Lifty legs were beginning to feel numb as his eyes focused on the lusty orange afro male who was positioned him, stripped him, made him spread his legs by handcuffed his ankles to a nearby pipe and grabbed both his ankles before positioning himself and said as he slightly removed the tape from his mouth, try not to scream or you'll spoil the moment. Lifty whispered, bu..bu..but that was a long time ago we were only.....uuurrrmmpphhh! Disco-Bear kissed Lifty and as he slid his tongue into his mouth he reluctantly and instantly found some sweet spots. The younger twin flinched as he began to twitch, cry and moan. But as D.B. Finally broke apart he gazed at the frightened greenette and Lifty yelled as he twitched again, PLEASE STOP I DON'T WANT THIS....SHIFTY HELP....MPH! D.B. Slapped the tape back on Liftys mouth and slapped him across the face as he said with a smirk, don't try calling out for your brother or I will go ahead and make you suck on my dick. Lifty obeyed him as tears fell down his face and shook. D.B. Grinned wider and said, hehehehhe that's a good boy besides there is nothing more enjoyable than sucking on yours. Lifty feared that he would. Liftys eyes widened as D.B. Began sucking on his cock as Lifty felt chills up his spine and muffling a moan and whimpered. Then D.B. stopped sucking on his cock he bucked Liftys hips towards his and rocked them back and forth as Lifty silently screamed in his mind awaiting for his brother to rescue him as he thought, Shifty....help me....please....save me.

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