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- 4 O'CLOCK -

"I already told you Jimin. You can't date three guys in a relationship! Are you dumb? Or nuts, Jesus! You're just eighteen-" Jimin, the said guy with his both hands attach on his ears mouthing a different kind of profanity as the moment his Father started his scolding session.

Jimin himself didn't know what's wrong with having a three boyfriend? I mean, where is the fun there? If he just dated one man right?

They can have foursome or-

Jimin choked on his spit when his Father pinch his thigh. He yelps in pain and rubbed the aching area and pouted his shiny plump lips, courtesy of his latest lip balm with cherry flavor.

The older man sighed heavily. He was so done. Done mean, he is tired of giving all he can do to save him or tired to teach him what the right things to do.

Because how cannot you be so tired when this matter lasted for five years and counting? He accepted the fact that he is gay because it's his son and no one ever will accept him first beside of his Parent.

"Dad. Chill, I like them okay? We are having fun. Jin hyung, Namjoon hyung, and Hobi hyung are cool. Unlike you!" Jimin exclaimed rolling his small eyes that wanted to roll backward. If that is possible.

"Jimin, I know the feeling of a true love. If that's happened to you. You can't escape anymore! You have to face it and accept all the ups and down! That's the right relationship! Unlike this one! This is horrible! This is-"

"Okay. What am I supposed to do?! What do you want me to do then?!" He screams like the one he is shouting is not his Father.

The man massages his temple in too much stress. He can't find the son he loves- no, he still loves him after all. Because who will hate your child? He is so precious. Especially when his Mother died during his pregnancy.

"You need to learn your lesson and live on your own. Find a job and feed yourself!"

Jimin scoffed frantically. He fans himself using his small chubby hands and widened his small eyes. "W-what?! Are you crazy you dipshit!"

"Yeah. This dipshit gave you the freedom you want. Now, leave the house in an instant and come back here after you learn your lesson." Jimin stood up with a lot of authority.

He smug to show his Father the real winner in this talk.

"Just so you know my boyfriends are there for me to help. You will crawl on me and ask for me to come back." His Father smirks shaking his head.

"We will see that Jimin. We will see."

Jimin stomps his feet the moment his Father turn his back on him and planning on leaving him.

"Bye Jimin go get your things and vanish."

"Bye Yoongi fuck you. He stomps his two feet off the ground the moment he came out of his boyfriend, for the third time.

"Jim, sorry babe. Your Father is powerful. I can't let you in here sorry." Jin, his first boyfriend said to him forty-five minutes ago, the said man close the door with a banging sound, causing Jimin to jump. "Let's break up."

"Sweety. Why did you do that to your Father? You know, your Father lost his patience. Especially when you keep on talking back." Namjoon said to him with furrowing eyebrow.

"Are gon to help or nah? Cos, I will-"

"No, let's end this relationship. I find Jin hyung ass more plump than yours."

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