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"So, what's your favorite song?"

Jeongguk look around his member, he heard the question clearly; and those brown orb search for someone.

Taehyung stares at him lovingly, with the boxy grin that he adores a lot.


He murmured silently, but enough for the reporter to catch those answers.


Its been a month, Jeongguk felt anxious, his insecurities bother him a lot, knowing how Taehyung hanging out with those famous actors, actress, and idols that looks so beautiful.

Fair enough to feel those giddy feels inside him, like inside of his stomach grumbling but not for hunger. For attention.

He excused himself once he saw the twit from the twitter, a photo of Taehyung with Park Bogum. They had plans on going to the Jeju Island. But, sadly. Their schedule wasn't that friendly they have to travel one by one of with at least two. Not creating a big chaos around the media.

He went inside on his room, locking it and slide to his bed, hands pulling the comforter to hug. He sobbed they are silent, he wanted to come out, he wants to date TaehyungㅡHis boyfriend. But the thing is.

They're in a boy group, and county filled with homophobic peoples, they have this stereotype of an idea about being in a relationship with the same gender.

He keeps on sobbing and cried there for a while.

He can't explain what he is feeling right now. He feels sleepy, but a knock coming outside snatch his attention, he walked barefoot stepping into the cold floor, he then opened the door a little seeing Taehyung worried face. He let the brunet come inside.

Ignoring his judging eyes, he can't take meeting Taehyung stares. "Gguk? Is everything okay?" The raven nods smiling not genuine. The latter pulls his wrist, he then put his hands on the raven cheeks and their eyes met. "Baby? Tell me I'm all ears."

"Its nothing hyung, not important." Taehyung sigh heavily, lips parted he lick his lips then shake his head a little. "I promise Hyung its just a small thing.

"Baby, if you are the one having a problem, big or small, we need to talk about it." Jeongguk bow down his head, embarrassed.

"H-hyung." Taehyung hummed in response, kissing his forehead. "I'm jealous, I wanted to date you too. I want us to have some quality time like the normal lovers have."

Taehyung face written with worries, he hugged his muscly boyfriend and shushed him. "Baby listen to me. I Love you okay? We can travel on ourselves when the times come. For now, we have to keep it low. Bang PD-nim noticed our gesture, as much as he is agreeing with this. He can't just take the risk of our group."

"I understand it Hyung." Jeongguk murmured hiding his face on Taehyung neck. "I'm just,'re with a lot of beauties there. Compare to me.."

"Shh, baby," Taehyung said looking at him. "Do you want me to show how much I love you?" Jeongguk blush but then nods his head.

He pull Jeongguk wrist, and push him softly, Jeongguk then back felt the softness of his bed. He gasped when Taehyung crawl above him, straddling him.

"I found a love, for me.." Taehyung starts singing, with a smile on his lips. He kisses Jeongguk forehead. "Darling, just dive right in and follow my lead." Jeongguk is flustered, hearing Taehyung deep voice, English songs and those words that made him melts.

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