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TEN in the morning, the sun glows brightly,not completely harming each somebody's skin, but to alleviate them adequately when the cold swirly air touches them, it's promising that it's winter. The brunette who stands tall who despises it the most. He doesn't know why he loathed it too vastly. Maybe because it's too hassle to wear any clothing that is enormous and you have to do multiple laundry afterward.

The scrapes of sound resonate with an indications hum in the place, stunning two people standing in front of each other, stroking their skin too much for their liking. The two of a person holding their arms tightly that no one wants to let go.

He loves Him so much, the Brunette loves the latter so much.

Vincent adores Justine too much, that He can't breathe every time He glanced at the intangible looking features.

His doe eyes that crinkle every time He smiles, His big nose, His bunny smile and His sweet impressions of saying every compliment that comes out of His heart.

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