Halls Of Waves

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My breath was swept away, I was looking straight at a huge house. The windows were clean and the door was glass with a scratch on the top left. I couldn't believe that he had lived here. I mean, he hung out with my brothers. I'm pretty sure that they were bad influences.

The door opens, My heart beats fast. Josh was always the one I trusted. He'd help me with everything unlike my brothers. He'd also help me prank them. When I see him up close, it just brings back memories. Of course also his handsome face.

"Hey." He says as His face becomes more focused, He flashes me those pearly whites that I had always remembered. They smelled of mint and peppermint at times.

I rubbed my arm as I looked into his eyes, He seemed confused "Hi...." I reply

"Don't be so shy, Listen. I'll take care of you. Alright? I promised you're brother." He softly chuckles, He opened the door wide. Allowing me in, And the first thing I saw. Was pictures of ocean waves, Of people surfing.

I stopped "Is that you?" I ask as I pointed at a similar guy that looked like him. He laughed and moved my arm on the right beside the picture.

The waves almost captivated him into the water, Consuming him into the ocean. I felt sick as flashbacks were begging for attention.

"Uh, Where's my room?" I suddenly say, I managed too change the subject. But awkwardly as he lifted an eyebrow.

He sighs, He knew my damage. He grabbed the handles from my suitcases and walked upstairs. I was going to follow him, but I figured he was just going to set them down. So then we'd have a talk about the tsunami.

Even the word "Tsunami" makes my stomach tie into a knot.

I hear his feet racing down the stairs, He finally meets house ground.

"Do you want coffee?" He asks, He didn't bring up the fact that I acted weird. But, He was gonna bring it up in a second or two.

"No thanks, I'm just gonna go up to my room." I reply, He grunts and grabs my arm. Suddenly I feel a jolt of electricity shoot through me.

"Let me go in first, Ok?" He asks, But it sounded more like a command. I've never heard him that serious before.

In confusion I nod and release my arm from his tight grasp. His soft tan skin that was scented with cologne stayed onto my shirt.
He started up the stairs as I followed behind him, I couldn't help but stare down at the ground behind me. I imagined waves and wood clashing. People screaming and yelling.

"Josh!" I Shriek and I race down the stairs onto the house floor, I crouch down and rest my head into my legs. I start to sob in embarrassment. I didn't want him to see me like this. But he already has, I feel a soft touch hit my skin.

I look up, seeing two bright blue crystal eyes. He was worried, I could tell. His hands were open free, awaiting for my grasp. I take his hand and he helps me up.

He hugs me tightly as I sob into his shirt, He rubbed my back smooth and slow. It felt like a massage, some tears dry as I let go.

"I'm sorry, I jus-"

"You remember, I know. It scares you a lot, that's why I didn't want you to see you're room." He tells me, He holds my hands and looks me in the eyes "But not only that.."

"Why, What's up there?" I say as I remove my hands from his and wipe away my tears.

He sighs and rests his hands on his hips, His blonde hair wet and messy. I almost dared too rest my hand onto his fluffy mess.

"There's a window, Its a great view but...It shows the ocean." He tells me, I sigh and bite my lip.

"Can't I just sleep on the sofa?" I suggest

He nods, I'm glad he agreed. I didn't want to have too wake up everyday and see the ocean. The ocean that had killed my family.

"I'll go grab you're stuff then okay? And then after tonight. Tomorrow, you can sleep with me." He says with a sly grin at end of his lips.

"Sleep...? With you?" My heart starts to race and my palms sweat. Why would I ever sleep with him? He's amazing and kind, handsome and sweet but, That would seem like we're together. I don't think he would enjoy knowing that.

"Yeah, no big deal. I mean, we're just friends." He says, He races up the stairs and I already miss his voice calming me down.

I walk over into the living room, seeing beautiful white furniture. I roam around and take a seat on the sofa, The cushion was soft. I hear him racing down the stairs again. This time he has beer in his hand.

He sits beside me and pops open the bottle, I never knew he drank. Frankly, I never thought he drank.

"You drink?" I point out, He chuckles and sets down the beer bottle on the white polished table.

"Yes, I do." He grins

"I never knew that." I state as I cross my arms.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me, A LOT." He replies as he continues to take a small portion of drinks. Bit by bit, I watch him drink it all down.

"Was it good?" I pester, I poke his shoulder. He laughs, His laugh that he always uses. His sexy laugh that always turned me on. It always will, I remembered laying beside my wall that was beside my brothers room. I laid there listening to the boys, and then whenever jokes were made. You could tell which one of them had the sexy laugh.

Suddenly out of my thoughts, His phone rings.

"Sorry, I gotta take this." He says as he stands up. He walks into the kitchen, I can't help but wonder how he felt about me. But, Love was the least of my worries right now.

                    I hope you all enjoyed the first chapter of HighTides! I really worked hard on this chapter. But, if you see any spelling errors then please let me know! Feedback,messages, and comments are very much allowed!

🌙✨Good Vibes Only!✌️🌙✨

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