The Big Waves

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"Alright, Thanks!" I hear Josh exclaim, He comes back and passes me by towards the wall. A Blue surfboard was hanging on the rack, He gently lifted it up and tucked it under his arm.

"What are you doing?" I stand up as I ask, He grins.

"Well, I'm going surfing. Big waves are rolling and in and I don't wanna miss it!" He explains, His smile stretching across his face.

"Oh, So I can just stay here?" I ask, Frankly I was too scared to be alone.

"You can come with if you want..." He nervously chuckles as I glare at him "Never mind, But yeah. You can stay here alone unless you want you're brother to stop by."

I shrug "I guess."

"Alright Well, Have fun!" He exclaims as he pats me on the shoulder and walks out the door.

I sigh and pull my phone out of my pocket. I start to dial my brothers number until the house phone rings. Should I answer it?

I decide to answer it and walk over, Picking up the phone as it stays against my ear.

"Hello?" I say


I was dumbfounded, especially that I didn't look at the number.

"Yeah, it's me." I say with a smile "I was just about to call you-"

"Can I speak to Josh?"He suddenly asks, I was shocked that he didn't even bother to ask anything that happened today. Even though
Nothing exciting ever happened.

"Uh....He went surfing." I say, I bite my lip hoping for him to change the subject.

"Oh, Well tell him to call me ba-"

"Can you come over? Please?" I beg, I knew he was going to hang up. I needed to blurt it out fast.

"Why?" He asks nervously

"Because, You're my brother and I'm all alone!" I exclaim

He sighs "Fine, I'll be over there in a few minutes."

"Okay..." I reply

He hangs up, I slowly set the phone back down. Tears started to fill my eyes, I didn't really know why I started to cry. But, I knew apart of me knew why I was crying, My own brother. The one that survived, Doesn't even want to have a talk with me. And, He sighs like he was pressured into coming here. Does he even love me? Does he care about me? He didn't even bother to ask anything that involved me.

As cold as it was, I dearly needed to change my spirit. Maybe watching some cartoons would cheer me up. Bring me back the old memories as a kid. As I'm wiping my tears away and making my way towards the couch. My phone rings, I took a deep breath and looked at the number. It was Josh, At that moment my heart sank. Is he okay? I mean he could be if he's calling me but would if someone else is calling from his phone?

I answer, Expecting the worst.

"Hi-" I stammer

"Hey!" I hear Josh exclaim "Is You're brother coming over?"

"Mmh, Oh and by the way. He wants you to call him back when you're done surfing." I say

"Oh, Why?"

"I wish I knew." I Mumble but I knew he had heard me.

"Ok, Im going to be surfing for about two more hours."

"Alright, Have fun."

"Thanks, See ya." He says, He ends he line and I smile. Knowing that he was okay made me happy.

I sit on the couch and start to watch some cartoons as I read twitter posts and snack on potato chips.


I jolted up out of shock and race towards the door, I was so excited that I wasn't going to be alone in the house anymore. I heard weird noises during the first ten minutes.

I open the door and see my brother standing there with a bright smile on his face. We both embrace each other as I invite him in.

"So, How've you been?" He asks, I was surprised that he had finally asked something that involved me.

"Good, How about you?"

He shrugs and sets his coat down on the chair "Could've been better."

I smirk "What's that suppose to mean?"

He softly chuckles "I was almost got drugged by another coworker."

Drugged? The fuck, Whoever messes with my brother. Is gonna get a stick up their ass and a beating.

"Drugged?..." I repeat, My fists start to clench. I just wanted to scare him mostly.

"Hey, Calm down..." He nervously laughed, My friend Richard told me before I had taken a drink. I guess the guy told him, which was a stupid mistake."

"I'm glad." I say

My brothers phone rings, He answered the phone and his eyes grew wide in worry.

"Sis, We need too go to the hospital. Josh has been shot..."

My heart sinks, My pulse races. My mind pushes away older thoughts and brings in new ones. Shot? I'd least expect that, And whoever did it. Is gonna pay. But, before I could reply. Everything goes dark and I go numb.

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