Rookie King Confessions

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The boys started filming Rookie King for a while now. This time, we were all on the top of a building for the "Open Your Heart" segment. It was rather hot outside, so I had a fan ready. Mi Ho-unni was chuckling already, "These will be some funny confessions."

I looked up at the platform. Yoongi was the first person up.

I was laughing really hard at that. That explains why he's able to dance better. I did feel bad for Jungkook though. Minho-sunbae chuckled, "Remind me never to have my underwear accessed easily."

Then Jungkook was next. I can only imagine what he would say.

Mi Ho-unni laughed, "That's all he was holding on to?"

I smiled, "He never seems to have any issues with his fellow members. If he does, he doesn't show it."

Jimin was up next.

Minho-sunbae was on the ground. I knew why they wouldn't call Yoongi a little kid, but I didn't need to say it. I almost wanted to scold Jungkook for teasing Jimin about his height, but even I know he won't take it to heart. Then Hobi stepped up next.

I was ready to pass out from laughing, "That's why they keep coming to my place to eat. It makes sense now."

Mi Ho-unni looked at me, "When will you invite me?"

I smiled, "When you actually feel like making the commute."

Minho-sunbae laughed at both of us. Then it was time for Jin-sunbae.

I chuckled, "That did backfire on him."

Mi Ho-unni shook her head, "They dare call Jin-oppa a pig?"

Minho-sunbae patted her back, "Retract your claws, Mi Ho. We don't need anyone scratched up today."

I laughed at them, then V stepped up.

I chuckled, "Really? Bang PD-nim couldn't remember his name for a year?"

Minho-sunbae laughed, "I always got confused for the actor, so I can see where he's coming from. Namjoon was last because he was the MC.

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