30k Special: Babysitting the Maknae Line

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"So, let me get this straight, all of you have something to do and you want to look after the maknae line while you're gone?" I asked the older members.

Jin-oppa nodded, "That's the gist of it, yes."

"Jin-oppa, are you and Namjoon planning a 'private adventure'?" I wondered with a smile.

It didn't take long for them to figure out what I was implying because Namjoon covered his mouth, unsuccessfully trying to cover up his laughter, Hobi was on his knees laughing, Yoongi was shaking his head as if he was done with me and Jin-oppa looked at me with a shocked expression saying, "I would never do that to Mi Ho!"

I laughed, "I know that, Jin-oppa. I was just joking."

Yoongi said, "You've been reading the fan comments again, have you?"

"Only when I need a good laugh," I replied.

Once Jin-oppa calmed down, he said, "I left some ingredients for breakfast, so I'm sure they'll be awake by the time you've started cooking."

I smiled, "You take care of your important matters. I've got the boys."

Everyone but Yoongi filed out the door. He gave me a hug and a deep kiss. I said, "I'll miss you too."

He chuckled, then walked out the door. I began looking through the fridge and found the ingredients for breakfast that Jin-oppa was talking about. While I was cooking, I heard a groan behind me. I didn't have to look to know that was Jimin. I heard him mutter, "Am I imagining things? Is Eunji-noona in the kitchen?"

I chuckled, "You're not imagining anything, Jiminie. It's me."

He gasped, "Where are the hyungs?"

I turned around and said, "They all have something to do today, so I will be looking after you, Taehyung, and Jungkook today."

He looked surprised, "So, we'll be with you all day?"

I smiled, "Yes."

Once I was finished cooking, I heard slow footsteps headed toward the kitchen. It was Taehyung and Jungkook, who barely had his eyes open. Jungkook looked at me and asked, "Noona? What's going on?"

I laughed, "I'm looking after you guys while your hyungs are taking care of business today."

"Wait, you mean we're together all day, Noona?" Taehyung asked.

I nodded, "Yes, Taehyung."

They sat down and we began eating. Jungkook's face lit up, "Yummy!"

I smiled. I looked at the schedule that Sejin-oppa gave me. Thankfully, they just had to rehearse a few songs and shop for groceries. It was the grocery shopping I was worried about because I never shopped with them before. Once everyone was done eating, I cleaned up the dishes that we used and I said, "Alright, boys. Let's go."

"What's happening today?" Taehyung asked.

"Well, there's song rehearsal, then I was given a grocery list from Jin-oppa," I explained.

I looked at the guys who all seemed a little too happy. I raised an eyebrow, "What are you planning?"

"Oh, nothing, Noona. We're just happy to be spending a day with you," Jimin told me.

I could tell that they were thinking of something else, but I decided to let it slide for now. We all got in the van and left for Big Hit. All three of them were sitting behind me whispering, but I could hear the makings of a plan. Once we made it to the building, we were all in the practice room. The three of them decided to work on Butterfly. I was able to provide them with water, then Jungkook said, "You know, we've never heard you sing, Noona?"

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