Stranger Things

730 32 16

Tord's Pov

I hadn't slept the first night. I don't know if it was because I was scared or... I stared at the ceiling most of the night. Eventually, I got up and snuck out to the hallway of the apartment. I walked to Tom's room, which was always unlocked. I just wanted something to drink, and my room didn't have any room for a fridge because of all of my art. I quietly opened the door and walked in towards the fridge. I opened it and took a look at the cola that Tom didn't want anyone to take. Hmm... Maybe just one won't hurt, he'll understand. I grabbed a can of cola and scanned the fridge for any more goodies.

"Are you supposed to take that?" A familiar voice came from behind me. I slammed the fridge shut and turned around while grabbing a fork, pointing it at the shadowed figure. "Calm down Tord, it's me." The voice said. I paused and opened the fridge so the light would show who it is. "Matt..?" I said as I put my fork down and stared. "Tord, did you seriously need a light to tell who I was?" He said. "It's almost three in the morning and it's dark and I'm tired." I replied, to which he said: "So you came to Tom's apartment to get a cola..? Cool." I honestly didn't know how to respond,  so I walked towards the door. 

Matt didn't say anything until I grabbed the door knob. "Hey, Tom wants to talk to you in the morning." I paused for a moment and opened the door. All I could manage to mutter was a weak "Ok" as I shut the door and walked back to my room. 

Matt's Pov

I laid back on the couch after Tord left. Such a strange conversation. He seemed so distant. I understand why since I punched him in his face. His beloved face. Aesthetic face. Beautiful face? Huh. Anyways, I should try to sleep. But I can't really force myself to sleep. Ugh, why is sleeping so difficult? Why does- "Matt? Are you awake?" A voice whispered near my head. I look up and see Tom. How had I not noticed him walk towards the couch? I couldn't have been that deep in thought. I looked from Tom to the clock. It was six in the morning? Damn, I really was zoned out.

 "Yeah?" I said, trying to sound as sleepy as possible. 

"What do you want for breakfast? Bacon?"


"It'll be ten minutes."

"Kay." I didn't need long replies. I needed sleep. I'm sure my eyes had bags as bad as Edd's. I yawned and eventually drifted off.

Tom's Pov

I started cooking the bacon which I knew Matt loved so much. He's lucky we have enough for us both, or else I would've claimed it all for myself. When the timer finally got to three seconds, I shut it off so it wouldn't make a ton of noise and turned the oven off. I grabbed the oversized mitten that my mom had so graciously given me and pulled the bacon out. Bless this moment, bless this bacon, b l e s s. I set it on the stovetop to let it cool and went back over to Matt. He was out cold. I decided to set half the bacon aside for Matt and ate the other half. Putting Matt's bacon in the fridge, I sat on the floor in front of the couch and turned the tv on. Oh, my favorite show 'The Children' was on!

A/N: Great way to end a chapter if I do say so myself. I'll try to write a chapter weekly, each 600 words at least.

dit: I promise I'll upload the next chapter- I'm just away from my laptop and writing properly on my phone is waaaay too hard.

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