Plate of Bacon.

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RAISE A GLASS TO FREEEEDOM- Uhh, I understand Tord and Matt have had like one interaction so far but it is necessary for the story and this chapter fixes it, I promise ;P

Edd's Pov

I woke up and walked to Tom's kitchen. Of course, he's the only one who keeps his kitchen stocked and clean, so it's the community kitchen. Except everyone makes a mess and Tom's the one who cleans it all.
The first thing I see on my way there is Matt sleeping on the couch. I am so tempted to just stomp the rest of the way to the kitchen just to wake him up. But when I look up and see Tom sitting in front of the couch, shaking his head and shushing me, I quickly and quietly make my way to the fridge. I open it slowly while staring at Tom just to taunt him about being quiet. He just rolls his eyes as I chuckle.
I notice a plate covered in foil that had 'Matt' written on it in marker. I look back at Tom with a questioning look. He turned back and was facing the tv so he didn't even notice. I peeled the foil back and was hit with the smell of bacon.
Ohohoho, too bad Matt isn't awake to stop me from eating this! And too bad he isn't in charge to stop me anyways.

Matt's Pov
Have you ever had a dream that was so real you thought you were awake? Or in reverse, a point in life where everything seemed so unreal that it was like you were dreaming? Well, both of those would describe how I slept.
I couldn't tell if it was a dream or not, but I know I ended up on Tom's couch in a cold sweat. Tom was sitting at the front of the couch, staring at me. His mouth opened as if he was about to say something, but he closed his mouth and turned back to face the tv.
I sat up and saw that 'The Children' was what had him so interested in the tv, of course. It was his favorite show after all.
I stood up and walked to the kitchen, noticing Edd was standing in front of the fridge eating from a half-covered plate. He hadn't noticed me approaching. As I got closer I could smell the delicious scent of bacon, and instantly knew what Edd was doing. I grabbed his arm, causing him to scream and jump back. I laughed at his stupid reaction and snatched the plate of bacon, which had only a few pieces left. "Edd, what the hell!"

"You weren't awake and I was hungry. You can make more bacon if you want it." He said while glaring at me. Of course, I'm being turned into the bad guy. I eat the rest of the bacon, hand the plate back to Edd, and walk to Tord's room. I see Edd sit next to Tom in front of the couch before I leave the room and chuckle to myself.

I haven't been up for long, but before the 'incident' Tord was usually the first one awake and moving. I knock on the door and hear shuffling of bed sheets from inside. After a few seconds, a few footsteps are heard and the door creaks open. Tord stood in the doorway wearing fork-print pajamas. I paused for a moment when I saw the bags under his eyes. "Did you sleep well, Tord?"

"I didn't sleep." He sounded extremely tired... and strangely sad?

"Why not? Sleep is the second most important thing besides eating."

He took a deep breath before replying. "I was up all night thinking. Don't worry about it." Now his tone was stern. I was highly confused but I really wanted to help him.

"Ehh, ok?" I saw him in Tom's kitchen last night, didn't I? That couldn't have been a dream, and it makes sense as to why Tord hasn't slept. "Do you want breakfast? I planned on making bacon since Edd ate all of mine, and you have to be hungry from staying up all night."

"No thank you, I'm fine."

"Tord, please, I insist. You haven't slept, and I won't allow you to skip the most important meal of the day." I turn around and turn my head to look at Tord, gesturing for him to follow. He hesitantly walks out from his room, and we go to the kitchen.

And that is where I end this chapter because it's really late, but I'll be writing more now that my tablet is back in service!~

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