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Matt's Pov
I pulled the bacon out of the oven and set it on the stovetop. Tord sat at the dining room table, twiddling his thumbs. I evenly seperated the bacon onto two plates, and walked to the table. Tord looked at the plate, then to me.
"You didn't... why did you give me half?" He asked, confused.
"Just eat." I said, trying to sound reassuring in some weird way. Tord stared at his plate. He grabbed a fork from his hair (because he can do that) and poked a piece of bacon.
"Don't you dare waste any." I gave him a warning stare, which made him pick a piece of bacon up and take a small bite. He perked up and took a larger bite, then happily and quickly ate the rest of his bacon. Looks like he didn't know how hungry he actually was.

Tord's Pov
I realized Matt sounded a bit commanding when he told me to eat. He almost sounded like a leader of an army again... 

After Matt and I finished our bacon, we watched tv with Tom. Matt sat on one end of the couch and I sat on the other. As confused and tired as I was this morning, I'm glad he persuaded me to have breakfast. I was much more hungry than I thought I was, and I got to have some time with him that wasn't awkward. I also didn't want to punch him or make him pay for my still-swollen eye. Yet, I wasn't sure how I felt about him. I had suspicions and theories. Was he planning to gain our trust and betray us again? Did he actually give up an entire army for us? Maybe he was planning to gain our trust and make us join his army. Nobody knew except him. I hope he actually is sorry and actually is back for good... because I miss him. Even though I don't remember anything about him before he left, he was quite enjoyable for the short time I do remember. Although I don't know why Edd was so... angry... before Matt did anything wrong. He just showed up, and Edd was instantly rude to him. He was our friend, why didn't Edd show any niceness? Well, maybe Edd did a good thing by not trusting him, considering what Matt ended up doing in the end. After all, my poor face...

Tom's Pov
The Children was finally over, so I got up. One quick look at the kitchen told me that Matt and Tord made bacon, and they clearly don't know how to. There was a container of vegetable oil on its side, the pan they used to cook the bacon has new burn marks, and the kitchen smelled of burnt hair for some reason. Of course, they would do this all and not clean up or even try. I inhale deeply and get my cleaning utensils out. This isn't even close to being my first time cleaning up after these idiots, and it won't be my last.

Edd's Pov
After Tom got up and left me sitting in front of the couch, I leaned back and let my mind run wild. I had so many things to think about, from my crippling alcohol addiction, depression, or how stupid and evil Matt is, or even how great and precious Tom is... and how I can't let him fall victim to Matt. I can't let that happen, and I won't. I'll keep an eye on them both until Matt leaves, which hopefully is soon. I mumble "I hope he dies from lung cancer..." and hear a confused noise behind me. I turn around and suddenly remember Matt and Tord are still sitting on the couch. 

Matt, knowing exactly what I said, asked: "What did you say?" I turn back around to face the tv and look down at my feet. "None of your business," I responded coldly. I could tell he was smirking. He chuckled and threw a pillow at me. I grumbled and threw the pillow back on the couch. He threw another pillow, and I whipped around in an angry fit. I noticed he was indeed smirking. "Stop being such a cheeky nuisance and LEAVE!" 

Matt stopped. His smirk disappeared and he stared at me blankly. I stared back at him with a clearly upset expression. After half a minute of staring, he looked over to Tord who was watching us quietly and smiled. What was this blasted moron doing-

Matt started talking loudly and triumphantly, interrupting my thoughts. "Tord, do you hear this guy? He called me a cheeky nuisance! Hah!"

Tord's Pov

Matt was smiling at me, expecting me to smile with him. He thought I would side with him. I thought I would side with him. My brain was everywhere, thinking about every possible outcome. 

"Uh... I have to use the bathroom and look in the mirror for a while!" I got up and speed-walked to the bathroom.  I locked the door behind me and turned to the mirror. Promising myself I wouldn't pick sides in Edd and Matt's mini-war, I turned the sink faucet on and splashed water on my face. I also fixed some loose hairs, and made sure I look extra good. After assuring all of my details were on point, I unlocked the door and opened it, trying to peek at the couch and see if they were fighting. I saw Tom still grumpily sitting in front of the couch. I started to walk for the couch, but suddenly my vision went dark and I was being pulled back by my shoulders. I tried to yell and hit whatever was pulling me back, but my mouth had been covered with a cloth and my arms wrangled behind my back.

~To be continued~

Hope you enjoyed this chapter!! Eventually, I'll get back into writing and there'll be a new chapter every other week at least. The most I'll ever write is like.. one chapter every other day. As always, thank you for reading!~

I just realized after publishing this that it's my longest chapter so far at around 990 words. That's not including author's notes, wowzer-

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2017 ⏰

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