Megan Potter Book 2

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1. Living like a fugitive.

Megan POV

I walked around the corner and down the street. The peaceful silence made me feel happy and calm. I was ready to take on the world, or Damon and Victoria.

Once I reached the next street I heard a scream of rage. My escape had been discovered already. I tucked the map and instructions into my pocket before I scrambled over the nearest fence. My Right leg bumped against the fence and pain shot up it. It was almost healed but it was still quite painful. I don't think it's healing properly.

The garden I was in was over grown. I doubled over and sprinted for the garden shed which was tucked away in a corner. I slipped behind it and made myself as small as possible.

While I hid in the dark a new idea came to me, I could stay in the area for a little while. Get well away from the house but stay near by. They would think that I'd be running as far away as possible so they wouldn't be looking for me close by. The longer I waited the further away they would start looking. That was the plan anyway.

I waited until I couldn't hear their enraged yells anymore and then I crawled army style across the wild lawn.

I slithered along like a snake when I realized I failed at army crawling. I reached the front gate and after checking that the coast was clear I scrambled up and over it.

I decided an appearance change would be good. I changed my hair to blonde and eyes to blue. I removed my hood and shook out my hair. I made my skin look tanned instead of pale, I made myself look fatter. So about average weight. I made myself look about eighteen.

I was delighted to discover that although the pain didn't go away my injuries were disguised. All of my scars had vanished. Bruises, oddly healed broken bones, no problem. They all disappeared.

I peered over the side fence and saw the street I had entered was a dead end. I had to go back the way I came.

I ran to the sidewalk and then jogged along it. Pretending to be up for an early morning jog. I ran around the corner and along the street I wanted to run from.

My disguise worked. I ran straight past a fuming Victoria as she hissed profanities. She completely ignored me once she knew I wasn't me, if you get what I mean.

She was busy checking the yard to see if I had just hidden in there waiting for them to leave. Maybe staying close by wasn't such a good plan after all.

I decided I needed to find somewhere to stop and gather my wits, to figure out a plan. I kept running.

I ran on for a while, I stopped when I reached a park with a thick forest in it. The park had a small playground in it and a small grassed area. The playground was old and rusty, it looked unused. The grass was brown and dead looking. It didn't look like many people came here. A great place to hide out for a little while.

I ran to the forest which was small, not really a forest. The trees that were there were large and grew close together, providing plenty of shelter.

I weaved through the trees jumping over roots so I didn't fall. Soon I found a nice sturdy looking tree, I had no idea what type it was but it had some low hanging branches which would make it nice and easy to climb.

I scrambled from branch to branch before crawling along one to the center of the tree. I found the branches spread out leaving a nice big gap I could sit in. I could lay down in it if I curled up a bit.

In my protected little nook I pulled my miniature bag out from my sock and enlarged it. I reached in searching for some food. I managed to grab an apple which I gobbled up hungrily.

I decided to be sparing with my food. I had to make sure it would last, because for all I knew they might crawl around the forest floor for days trapping me here. I needed to make sure I had plenty of food and water. Water! I hadn't brought any with me.

I felt like a fool. I hadn't brought any water. I sat deep in thought, how was I supposed to get any now that I could bring with me.

Only one option seemed like it might work. I'd have to rob a house. Obviously I'd have to be very careful. I'd find one far away and get stuff that I needed, that could be useful.

Then I would come back here I needed to plan my every move I had to stay one step ahead of them. Carefully thought out plans could mean the difference between keeping my freedom or getting captured again.

So I thought over my idea for a little while.

It would be best if I broke in somewhere when it was dark. It was still early in the morning and I felt extremely tired.

I scouted around the park and after deciding it was safe for a nap I scrambled back up my tree and dozed off.

I woke up at around noon. I decided to plan what I needed to steal.

I though of what I needed. Blankets, a pillow, a torch, water, some more food, maybe some money and a watch. Then whatever else I could find that would be useful.

I planned where I would go next.

By the time I was done it had grown dark.

I carefully peered around myself in the twilight and cleaned everything up. I left no sign that I'd been there.

I crept down and dodged between the trees. I couldn't see any movement so I dashed the opposite way to London.

I dashed down the street nearest the park and then dodged this way and that winding through backstreets, leaping fences. I had to keep out of sight and my journey was taking a while. Once I dived into a very prickly bush to avoid being caught in the beam of a car's headlights.

Finally I decided I had gone far enough. I picked a street that seemed out of the way. Away from the main roads. I watched one house and saw someone leave for the night shift. Their house then appeared empty.

What a perfect target.

Megan Potter Book 2Where stories live. Discover now