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Dear Reader,

Many of you will know or be familiar with the literary genius that was William Shakespeare whether it be through reading his sonnets or plays at school or indulging in seeing or participating in productions of his many great works. Come with me on a journey where I hope to explore and understand the man behind the plays as best possible; establish why his plays are so important, popular and have survived in the hearts and minds of the world for so long; and evaluate the many theories behind the highly controversial authorship arguments. I hope, above all, that by establishing a face behind the works that so many school children may consider to be boring, dull and incomprehensible, I will encourage you to pick up a copy of a Shakespearean play or sonnet or book tickets to your nearest production of  Shakespeare and discover (or rediscover)  the great man and his work  for yourself!

Best wishes,

M.R. Wyatt
(14th August 2017)

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