Chapter 1

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A/N: Hello, I will make this brief, this work is currently under heavy editing. I am working on rewriting the old chapters, starting with this one. I will be pretty slow with updates, but feel free to leave feedback. Since I am rewriting everything, comments left most likely are no longer accurate and will not make sense with the current writing style. So keep that in mind when looking through previous comments!

Consciousness hits me like a train, a pounding headache echoing through my brain. The beat inside my mind matching the fast pace rhythm of my heart. As I open my eyes, the unfamiliar room swirls around my vision. This is a merry-go-round at a carnival and I am desperate to get off. Slowly, my ability to see normally returns to me.

The room around me held staleness in the air. Darkness enveloped the area, presumably a basement, as if it was it's job. A single light hung from the ceiling in the middle of the room. Though it didn't emit much light. It glowed dimly, as if it knew how much of a failure it was. The decor was almost non-existent, or maybe everything was hidden in the shadows. I try to get up to figure this mystery out, when I realize my predicament.

My wrists are bound by harsh metal, digging into my skin. I pull on the restraints, only to wince in pain as I realize I had rubbed my skin raw throughout my night. I feel the cruel familiarity of chains around my ankles as well. Dried blood from an unknown source covers my legs and arms.

Dread starts to settle in the pit of my stomach. Panic rushing to the surface as everything sinks in. My breath quickens as tears start to rise, blurring My vision once more. Part of me wants to scream for help, but I know better than that. Clearly wherever I am is too far for anyone to hear me but my captor. The feeling of helplessness causes my tears to finally spill over, running down my face. I try thinking back to the night before, wanting to remember how I got here. Somewhere along my train of thought, the sound of someone clearing their throat interrupts the unsure visuals from last night. My breath hitches in my throat, I could feel it wanting to retreat back to my lungs, wanting to flee to safety. I wish I had the luxury of hiding in that moment too. Desperate to blend into the wall and hope to wake up from this nightmare.

My head shoots up in the direction of the disembodied sound, accidentally interlocking eyes with the man across the room. His eyes are a piercing shade of blue, almost unnatural looking. This feature drastically contrasting with his raven black hair. It framed his sculpted face extremely well, swooping perfectly right above his eyes. His nose was almost completely narrow, except for the slightest bit of downturn at the tip. Beneath his nose was a pair of lips that seemed to hold a permanent smirk. He gazed at me intensely, clear amusion layed unspoken behind his eyes. He was beautiful, unnaturally so. It was the type of perfection described within Lucifer. Something told me that he was just that, angelic looks covering something more sinister. That same feeling told me that he was the reason I am here. I try my best to hide the fear that was threatening to spill out of me. After an eternity of his gaze and my inability to speak, I muster up the courage to stumble out 3 words.

"Who are you?" The words leave my mouth with faux intensity. My shakey voice carries throughout the basement, the volume of my question is almost not enough to cover my terror. I shoot him the most threatening glare I can manage. This feeble attempt of dominance over the situation is borderline laughed at by the mystery man. All he does is stare in amusement.

"Ooh feisty, I like that in a woman. Otherwise, I'll get bored of you much faster. I suggest you be careful how you speak to me though. I don't think you realize just how easy it was to kidnap you. Hell, you didn't even notice me watching you in the bar. I could kill you just as easily if I really wanted to. But honestly, it's funny seeing you try to act in control of this situation, Y/N."

My heart picks up in tempo as the last thing he said rings through my mind. My name in his mouth echos throughout my head. There isn't a logical reason I can think of as to how he knows my name. What else does this man know about me? That thought eats away at the rest of my already non-existent peace. He could be hiding more information and I wouldn't be aware at all.

I need answers. Something about the smirk styled on his lips sparks a rush of rage surrounding my entire body. Who does he think he is, keeping me trapped down here? I have a life, this asshole doesn't get to decide whether or not I get to live it! This sudden anger-filled courage pushed me to demand answers once more. "Answer me damnit! Who are you?!"

"I'm sorry, I have lost my manners apparently. I'm Damon, Damon Salvatore." He reached out his hand in the dim light, as if to try shaking my hand. This gesture being a pure mockery, my hands still above my head in an aching fashion. I scoff and glance in the other direction, of course he wouldn't give me any real answers. Before I could even let out a remark, he was standing right in front of me.

His eyes stare into me with what I've gathered to be a signature glint of amusement. How the hell did he get over here that quick? It isn't possible, not by any standards. I didn't even see him begin to walk, even if it was possible. Whoever, whatever, he is isn't something to be messed with. That sheer mystery is terrifying, and I don't want to unveil the mystery anytime soon.

"I think you should get some rest Y/N, clearly you need it." I don't even have time to demand to be let go. As fast as my anger had engulfed me, drowsiness swept over my body. The feeling of time and consciousness slips from my fingers. My eyes fight against my wants and start to close. The last thing that I hear before sleep overcomes me is the sound of the dark-haired man walking away.

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