Chapter 4

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I wake up in my new bed to see that there was a new iPhone x just laying beside me! I jump up and down and look at everything on the phone. Before any of this happened, I had a ZTE Android so I was really happy to see this!
Stefan then comes into my room with a smile on his face.
"Do you like it?" Stefan asks me, jump into his arms hugging him.
"Omg thank you thank you thank you! I love it! But why did you get me a phone?" I ask probing him to why he got it for me.
"Well since you can't ever leave I thought I would get you something to where you can have contact to the outside world. Also when you are done looking at it, come downstairs for some breakfast please." And with that he left, I downloaded Wattpad and Instagram first and took a few selfies on my account. Luckily I remembered the password. I go to the bathroom in my room and brush my hair and brush my teeth then go downstairs. When I get there Stefan and Damon were fighting. I clear my throat to signal I was there and Damon rushed up to me and kissed me, I swear there was fireworks!
"Your mine." He growled and I just stood there like an idiot, I look over to see that Stefan was glaring at Damon. I finally started functioning and went to Damon as he lead me to the kitchen to eat, we had bacon and eggs for breakfast. Even though I was the only one eating anything, Damon and Stefan kept on staring at me the whole entire time. Once I was done, I went to the sink and I washed my plate out.
"After your done with that I just got you some clothes so go take a bath upstairs then come down here to get them." Damon tells me, I mean ok, I do need to bathe but I usually take one at night, oh well.
"OK, where are the towels at?" I ask
"Come down here after to get a towel." He tells me with a smile look on his face, having no choice knowing if I disobeyed, he would snap my neck, I walk upstairs and go to the bathroom and turn the hot water on in the bathtub and I put in some bubble bath soap. Once the bath water was ready I turn off the water and get undressed, once I step in the bath I relax and let all my worry's fade away, after that I wash my hair and body (peppermint shampoo and body wash). I step out and slowly made my down the stairs, I make a mental note to kill Damon later, holding the urge to go down the stairs as much as possible I scream,
"Damon hand me the towel right now!" I hear him chuckle from behind the wall, oh that bitch!
"No can do, you have to come down here to get the towel on the couch." I can practically hear the smirk in his voice ugh, I'm getting impatient and cold.
"Please Damon! Just meet me at the bottom step and hand it to me!" I bag but he shows no mercy, he is so annoying.
"Come down the stairs to get it." I can not hold it any longer and rush down the stairs and quickly run to the couch and quickly wrap myself up. I turn around to see Stefan and Damon staring at my ass.
"Hey! My eyes are up here you know!" I grab my clothes and run upstairs leaving them like that.

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