What Are The Twins Up To?

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Perfection means you don't question anything about the photograph-

Robert Mapplethorp.


The twins are evil twats, and I ought to throw their ladder out the window so they'd have to get it. I began contemplating whether it would be weirder for Archer to walk out the door despite never entering it, or for Archer to be passed out in my room despite never entering the front door.

The twins sighed, seeming to feel a short lapse of pity-

Or they just wanted us out of their room so they could go back to their evil plotting. "You do realize no one ever even goes into your room." Cal said.

"And no one is even home in the morning." Lia added.

It was true. Cal walked to school, so he went a bit earlier. Hazel went with her Student Government buddies, either that or her boyfriend (I forgot his name). Mom and Dad went to work. And the twins...

"Wait, where do you guys actually go in the mornings?" I ask them. The middle school didn't start 'till an hour later. They looked at each other from the corner of their eyes, and I could've sworn their eyes flicked to under their dresser too.

"You don't wanna know." They said unanimously, looking back at Archer and I.

I hobbled out, feeling slightly creeped out after looking under the bed. I could've sworn I saw a shovel.

"Woahzers. The twins better not be doin' any illegal shit." I said after hobbling into my room. Archer scoffed.

"I wouldn't be surprised if they were getting rid of their competition." Archer said. He plopped himself down onto the floor, crossing his legs. I threw off the damn school uniform, it was hot.

And NOT in the good way.

At least not on me. Archer, on the other hand...

Wait, that was really gay.

Meh, it's in my head. Like I give a duck. (Author's note: Yes, I know that's a childish censor, but that is my one boundry when it comes to profanity.)

I stumble over to my closet, grabbin' my grey shirt. I know a lot of men don't even wear clothes to sleep, but I gave up on that thought in middle school when the twins were still little, they just entered at will then...

It didn't end very well, especially for Lia.

I swear that was the day that they started acting like they do now. Neither of them seem to be affected by anything these days. If it had happened these days, Cal would've just thrown my blanket back over me, while Lia looked indifferent. I snickered thinking about how horrid it would be for them when puberty starts really kicking in. And then I remembered it's the twins, and the worst that was likely to happen was their employee (just May for now, they might get another one) was going to have much more stressful working conditions.

Also that May might end p attracted to Cal, and that their numbers of guests would kick up as Cal and Lia became especially attractive to them. At this point I deemed it would be fine so long as Cal and Lia don't begin an incestuos relationship due to being sexually confused and frustrated, and that isn't likely to happen because of their feelings about Lia being pregnant, and the fact that inbreeding could lead to health deficiencies.

It was sad that this is really these were the only reasons I could really believe would hold them back from such a thing. Oh yeah, that and the fact that the little monsters HAVE NO FEELINGS.

I got my shirt on,said g'night, and flopped onto my bed. It was silent for a moment,and I then turned around, and remembered the tall blonde wasn't going to leave my room after this today. "Oh yeah, what about you?" I asked. He just stood there awkwardly in the middle of the room.

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