Chapter 1

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(I use pictures for rooms)

Jimins POV

I was sitting in my huge office waiting for Jungkook to come back with food when my mother called me.

"Hello?" I answer.

"Hi Jimin."

"Hey mom. What do you need?"

"An old friend of mine, her name is min soy. She is going out of town for a business trip for 3 months. Do you mind watching over their 15 year old son?" She asked.

"15 years old? isn't he old enough to watch him self?"

"Jimin, he is going to be alone for 3 months. To make it worse, their family is extremely rich. Ever heard of bill gates?"

"Woah! That's his dad!?"

"No. but they are more rich then him. And his dad is min lee. Famous producer of many cologne fragrances, Gucci products, hand lotions, top of the line fashion mostly. His mother is also a fashion designer and a CEO of the mins corporation."

"So I'm really just going to be a body guard?"

"Jimin just answer yes or no! If not I'll get Jungkook to do it."

"Wait wait wait! How much money we talkin?"

"She said 2 million for 3 months. Hell, she even gave me some free top of the line clothing!"

My eyes almost popped out of my head.

"2 million!?!"

"Ahh Jimin not so loud-"

"I brought food." Jungkook interrupted barging into the office.

"I got to go mom. Tell ms. min I said yes." And I hung up.

"Ms min? What did you say yes to?"

"A free short cut to 2 million dollars that's what." I smirk. Jungkook nearly dropped the basket of chicken.

"2 million!? For what?" He asked sitting down across from me.

"Babysitting some 15 year old kid for 3 months."

"Dude, your buying me ice cream once you get the money." Jungkook said laying plates down for me and him.

"Ok." I say as I grab some chicken a scarf it down.

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