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Your POV

My heart was beating fast as I walked past the pews. Everything was laced with finest cloth and many machines stood around. I didn't know for what each of them were but they looked really interesting. If I weren't here for a funeral I'd like to find out what these machines do but sadly the o my reason I was here was death.

One of the other maids was already inside. She had performed rule number one and will do rule number two as well. First open a window and then close it two hours after. Now was her time to close it. I made my way to the clock on the wall. My job was to do rule number two. I had to stop all clocks but here was just one. 9 am.

After I stopped the clock I watched the others butlers and maids cover every mirror. Even the smallest ones. That was simply part of the tradition. Nobody really knew anymore the purpose of these rules but I think it has something to do with the ghost or soul of the dead person. So it can go to heaven peacefully.

Some of the newer butlers just walked around nervous not really knowing what to do. I think some of them were from another village that had probably other traditions for something like a funeral.

Behind one nervous young butler I saw my reflection. He hadn't covered the mirror. I was about to walk over to him to tell him his mistake when the band started playing and I needed to move to my place in the back. My mind was torn. I had to obey but the mirror wasn't covered. I stared at the mirror nervously but decided to go to the back. The royals will have the time now to talk to Lady Mary and tell her how sorry they feel about her loss.

I stood in the back if the room nervous and sad. My mind was by the mirror and the person who died. I sighed but then as I looked at the crowd I saw a few maids serve. Maybe I could reach the mirror like that. I removed myself from the back and grabbed a plate which was filled with champagne glasses. I made my way through the small crowd not saying a word but just smiling like I was taught. Even though our Lord died we were not allowed to say how sorry we feel for Lady Mary. That rule was new and made up by herself. I hated it but couldn't change it. I needed to obey.

Eventually I could make my way over to the uncovered mirror. I sighed in relief. There was just one person in a black cloak I needed to get past. I stopped walking immediately when his face was shown in the mirror. He didn't look at me but I knew that face. I nearly let go of the plate but could catch myself from doing it. Instead I just gasped. He looked exactly like him. Just with heavier eyebags. That wasn't possible. It couldn't be him. Maybe he had a twin that I didn't know of?

He hurried away into the crowd nervous ignoring my staring totally. He began to talk to them but they didn't react. I just stared at the whole situation. Why... what.... I... huh? My mind was left in pieces. He tried to talked to everyone but nobody layed attention to him. "I'm alive! Look at me!", he yelled begging. I still couldn't move and just stared at him. He was so panicked and I was her shocked. How was that even possible. His body was lying there in the front of the room and there he was running, speaking, yelling and breathing. He was alive. Somehow.

I sat the plate down on a table next to me because I had no trust in me anymore. Sooner or later I would let it fall. I still couldn't tear my eyes of him. He was next to Lady Mary now. He whisper screamed something at her angrily and stormed away from her. Our eyes met for a second. His chocolate brown ones filled with anger, confusion and sadness. I could relate to that at least.

After a few more steps of his he came to a stop and looked at me again. He stared at me. His eyebrows went up and he made a few steps closer to me. Then he looked around again. Then a few more steps. "Can you see me? Please please please, give me a sign", he begged at me his eyes filled with hope.

I nodded slowly. "Yes, Lord Brendon.", I gasped out. I was still shocked. He stood there right in front of me with his beautiful eyes, beautiful nose, beautiful lips. Just there. Right there. I still stared at him and he at me. "Thank God, (y/n) you can see me.", he said sighing looking down.

"How... I... don't understand ...Lord Brendon", I mumbled. I was kinda afraid that if I would talk too loud others would hear and think I'm crazy so I tried to keep it quiet. Lord Brendon furrowed his brows and scratched the back of his head. "First you can call me just Brendon, that's just fine and second... I don't really... Oh.", he said looking behind me. I turned around to see the uncovered mirror. Oh.

"I think my father ones told me that we cover the mirrors so the ghosts of the dead can't change worlds...", he explained. "But he also told me that only ghost who hadn't finished their job or are cursed cross that barrier.", he said further and looked at his former wife. "I'm sorry Lord... Just Brendon... I saw that one butler hasn't covered hat mirror and just wanted to do it but I came too late.", I apologies with a wobbly voice. I still hadn't really recovered. I mean he had explained some of the reasons why he was here now but why could I see him and why only me? And honestly I didn't believe in ghost in the first place but now he was here and I don't know whether to feel flattered because it's him or shocked because he's here. Probably just both.

"Its okay. I'm not finished in this world. But I need your help."

A/N: next Chapter! Hope you like it so far^^

Give me a sign, I want to believe. (Brendon Urie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now