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Brendons real dead body was lying on the table. All the people had layed the attention to the cold dead body that once was filled with such a hearty soul. This soul was now standing beside me observing this whole situation much calmer than I would have expect. I gave him a quick side glance to check how he would comprehend this.

Nothing. No emotion at all. Dull eyes stared at the body that once belonged to him. That was once under his control. And if everything worked out it would be soon I really hoped. I couldnt stand the thought of losing him yet a second time. I just needed to know that he was there walking amongst the people on this planet. I was aware of the fact that he would confess his feelings to the girl that was on his mind. It ached in my heart and burned on my lips that it was obvious that it wasn't me. I couldn't be. I didn't understood why my brain gave me these high hopes in the first place. Something like that would never happen. Yet my heart still pulled towards him. My whole body needed him. My brain needed him. But I couldnt get him. It was like being chained up with the key on front of yourself and no matter how far you stretched you could only brush it with your fingertips. Not far enough to get the key and free yourself and get away from that place hat only caused heartache, sleepless nights and exhaustion. But yet I needed the tension of yet that fight. That battle inside me. Without it my life would be much more boring and honestly I didn't even know what my life would be. If I would still be here. Coming here to work for the Uries was my last try to find sense in life. I had ran away from home when I was about 11. I don't like to think about the time before that. I had a good reason to ran. The years after that had been incredible tough and the thought of giving up swirled around in my head many times. I don't like to think of the past but coming here saved me. As soon as this chocolate brown eyes connected with mine for a second with a kind welcoming emotion in them I knew I would do everything to stay. So I needed this. I needed him. No matter how close. Just the knowing of him being there for me.

I felt tears well up in my eyes as I thought of the scenarios where he wouldn't come back. Where he would just leave. He would just go to the other world and never one back again. This would be irreversible. There would be no way to get him back. I don't know if I could handle that.

I had tried to cover it up but I was a mess the past days. I dropped plates, I didn't come when Lord or Lady rang the bell, I delivered the wrong food to the wrong person. I did all kinds of mistakes and still they didn't fire me. The only reason I didn't loose my job must be that they understood the sorrow which while over me. They could understand and helped me keep my job when Lady Mary wanted to get rid of me all the times. I really appreciated the effort although I wasn't sure if I was able to stay here and pretend everything was fine which it highly wasn't for me. And that the other maids and butlers just carried on without the slightest sorrow just made me even more depressed. I couldnt really handle myself and had snapped at them if they dropped comments or nearly yelled sometimes while Lord and Lady were in the same room. I just wasn't capable of the whole situation.

I felt the warmth of tears brush down my cheeks as I wasn't able to blink them away anymore. I quickly turned my head into the opposite direction of the ghost. I didn't want him to see the fell of my facade.

Still he had noticed that something was up and it wasn't hard to guess what bothered me. I felt his hand brush against my shoulder carefully at first but then firmly getting a hold of it. At first I only thought he wanted to calm me down but when I felt the tremble in his hand I knew it wasn't just that.

Of course not. How could I be so blind.

His former wife killed him. He was a ghost of course he wasn't okay. I was honestly surprised how good he held it together. I knew he didn't love her but it was still a shock to comprehend.I nearly forgot that he wasn't under the living anymore by this point. I'm sure he had the same feeling and now there was just his body lying in front of him like this. I felt incredible sorry for him.

My body moved on its own as my hand placed itself on his. That wouldn't look weird for other viewers. It just looked like I was grabbing my shoulder. Although at this point I didn't care anymore about that. I blinked my tears away as good as possible and faced him again.

He had his lips to a thin line as his eyes remained in his physical remains. Brendons normally joyfilled chocolate brown eyes were now glistening as tears began to fill his eyes as well. I lightly stroked the back of his hand with my fingertips and the trembling actually got less. He gave me a weak smile without looking at me. But I knew it was meant for me.

My eyes wandered to that woman who guilty on all if this misery. She looked sad. But that was fake. You could see that. Whenever she wasn't concentrated her expression got highly annoyed of the crowd. I looked at her with disgust written in my face. I couldnt stand her anymore. If that was over I would seperate from her. If that ended with me or her going I didn't care. I just never wanted to see her face again. Not as long as the sun rain down on me and I walk on this planet. I hated that woman from the first time I saw her. Whenever i walked past her I got mad or disgruntled. Her rules were stupid. Completely nonsense and her behaviour was just as bad as her attitude. I couldnt stand her at all. Yet Brendon seemed happy but now I knew that this was just a facade. Like mine. It just covered up the flaws and the deep holes inside.

I felt a light squeeze on my shoulder what caused me go calm down a bit. Sadly my face heat up a little but I shrugged it off as best as I could.

The  nurses that had bathed the body now disappeared from the working place and the woman I hated most along with her favourite maids stepped forward to unfold the white cloth onto Brendons physical shell. Rule #5.

The hand that had rested on my shoulder for mental help now pulled a bit what caused me to turn around. The tall bassist stood behind us dragging us into a corner were no one would here our whispers. At the moment Rule #6 began. Allow the people to wail and lament.

Both of us looked at Dallon in confusion. "What?", Brendon asked quietly blinking rapidly to get the tears away that were hid behind his lids. "The next step. It's the hardest.", Dallon said biting his lip in worry. "Tell us.", I demanded quietly. I needed to know what the last step was to bring Brendon back to life. Dallon sighed and looked around carefully when he leaned in.

"Killing the murderer."

My breath hitched. Killing?

" The most important part: it has to be someone who hasn't spoken to the ghost of him.", Dallon added with a serious note emphasising his words. Brendon sighed audible and looked to the now cowering and crying crowd. His brows furrowed as he looked down ashamed.

An idea popped into my head. I was she of it but so far it was the only thing we had really. And it was he only thing bringing us closer to the end. I decided to break the silence that had fallen upon us as we sunk into thinking.

"I mean, we all know what happens if someone gets accused of murder and doesn't get away with it. I mean... It would make sense if we had some evidence that she did it. Then we could show the people the prove and she would get executed...", I mumbled turning towards the crowd. I hoped that this would work somehow. Yet I was lost in the question How?

Brendons lips curled upwards slightly and his eyes began to shine again as he spoke up with a string voice. "Would a piece of paper which reads "Mary did it!" help?", he said nearly laughing. I looked at him a bit confused and shrugged.

" And what if I tell you that it's in my wallet which is still in my pocket?"

I know I do x reader stories but I have a question for you now? Would you like that I keep that form with "(y/n) (e/c)..." or would you prefer if I would make up a whole new character? (I would change it only in this fanfiction and maybe in upcoming ones if you want me to) and if you'd like a made up character you can leave name suggestions for her in this story in the comments^^ but please let me know which style you prefer! I want to make my story as enjoyable for you as possible!

Thank you♡

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