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Silence had fallen open us as Brendon began to think about which way he'll take. I felt him glance at me and then the door for a few times. What will he choose? Will he go back to the world of the dead? As bad as it sounds I wished that he'd choose the difficult part. Now that I knew that there was a way of him getting back to our world I couldn't get enough of that thought. Even if he'd come back together with Lady Mary. At least he'd be here again. But still it was his decision. The only thing I could do was hope.

"What do I have to do to live again?", he said looking at me for a second but then at Dallon with a serious face. I felt relieved when he said that. He will live in our world again. He won't be gone in another world.

"So you choose that way." , Dallon said dropping one hand. "First step will be that you need to get the other humans attention. Your murderer has to look at you one more time now.", he explained. "And how am I supposed to do that?", Brendon asked confused. I wished I could help him better then I do right now.

"To your luck I am here and she can see you as well. You need to drink human blood. One drop will be enough for five minutes. Oh, and I recommend that you don't run to your murderer as soon as people can see you because that would just cause trouble. I recommend that you change your clothes. Then you could try to be one of the music players. Can you play an instrument? Or sing?", Dallon said without looking at our expressions as soon has he said blood.

"Excuse me, but I am supposed to drink human blood?", Brendon said nearly anxious. But I could totally understand that. I mean he was supposed to drink human blood. That was nearly cannibalism. Dallon just nodded and pointed at me. Wait wait wait. Did he want to cut me open? Brendon looked at me with pained eyes. "Why her? I could totally drink your blood!", he tried to defend me but Dallon shook his head. "I'm a medium. That means I'm not fully human. It wouldn't be enough. A drop is enough. Don't worry about that. But now back to my question. Mind playing something on stage for a few minutes?", Dallon went on without showing any emotion. Brendon wanted to say something against it but close his mouth again and shrugged.

"Well, I heard you sing once and I think it sounded wonderful.", I spoke up to break the silence. I blushed a little as I noticed that I said "wonderful". I panned to say something more neutral like "good" or "nice". Oh god this is embarrassing. Please get me out of here. I didn't dare to look up but I felt Brendons eyes lingering on me for a moment. I was embarrassed an flattered at the same time. I wished he stopped looking but at the same time I wish I'd be strong enough to lock eyes with him. That Dallon would leave us and I would look up into his beautiful brown eyes. We'd come closer until we could sense each other's breaths on our skin. The tension in the air would be unbearable. It would flicker all aroumd us. My guts would twist and turn and my head would be so red and then one of us would do the final step and close the little gap between us allowing us to be closer than ever before. And it would feel great. Our li... Wait. No! I wasn't allowed to think about that. And not now! Now wasn't the time to daydream.

As I concentrated again I saw Dallon leave us. Oh god. Where was he going? What did I miss? I should be paid attention to what both of them talked about then.

"It sure is weird, huh?", Brendon broke the silence glancing over at me. My eyes connected with his for a brief second and there was something in them. I just couldn't read what it was. I nodded slowly. I didn't dare to talk. I didn't want to run my mouth again.

"You know you're allowed to proper talk to me, right? I don't think Mary's rules work for ghosts and also... I never liked this rules but I thought  I loved her so...", he began but one word caught my attention more than all the others. 

"Thought?", I dare to ask then while looking at him. He smiled to himself. "Everyone told me how lucky I was to get engaged with her so I though I must love her. But that wasn't true not the slightest bit. Actually I despised her. I thought if I'd treat her right she would be nicer but I was wrong. So fucking wrong.", he said laughing o himself with a pained voice. I gasped. I've never heard him swear before. I know that lady Mary wasn't the right for him though. I hated to watch how she treated him.

"Also I had some time thinking and I think I know what real love is now. Compared to what I had with Mary... well that what we had sure wasn't love.", he said while the tips of his ears turned reddish. He knew what love was Now? How? He loved somebody? Who? I felt how I was getting sick. Be began to love again. That's great. Just perfect. Good for the girl. I'm not jealous at all. I only stuck around him for years to have my heart broken and have him live a happy life with his lovers. I sighed innerly. Well but as long as he was happy. That was all that's important for me. He was everything I lived for and I rather have him happy with someone then sad and single. Also he was a royal. He had to marry another Lady soon if he'd come back to life. That was how society works.

"Who is the lucky girl?", I asked at polite as possible although everything in me hurt and twisted asking this question. But at least he'd be happy.

"You know her...", he said with a small cute smile on his lips. Oh the lucky girl that gets to see this little smile every day.

"Did you tell her?", I asked again. This time maybe a bit more angry than before and I but my lip to take back control.

"No...", he sighed. The smile faded and he stared at his feet with a sad expression.

" Why?", I added to ask one last time. I couldnt control myself. I just needed to know. Maybe I'd get more information about that Lady.

"Well I'm afraid that I...", he began but was interrupted by the door open in again. Dammit. I was so close to knowing. Well, this is what you get when you try to stalk....

Dallon chimed in holding something that looked like clothes and a too head. He gave me a jacket to hold it up am gave the rest to Brendon. The jacket was laced with many little things like gear wheels and little gems. In general it looked pretty good. The top hat had goggles around it and the trousers were matching the jacket.

"Put this on now!", the tall one demanded.

A/N : I hope you liked that chapter! As I already told you this may be the last update in a while because I'm doing a year abroad and I don't know when I will find the time again. But I'll update whenever I find the time! I promise! 

Give me a sign, I want to believe. (Brendon Urie x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now