~•The Test•~

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~•Liza POV•~

I rush into CVS looking for what I need. Please God don't do this to me. I'd be happy but does he want this.? I know he does but this early? And the guilt..

~•Earlier that morning•~

I woke up in Gabbies apartment. We were hanging out last night and I spent the night. That's when a wave of nausea hit me. I ran to the bathroom and threw up. When I got up Gabbie was in the door frame.

Gabbie: "Liza are you sick?"
Liza: "no I've just felt sick the past few mornings."
Gabbie: "Only in the mornings??"
Liza: "yea.."
Gabbie: "when did you have your last period?"

Oh no
No no no no no

Liza: "Gabbie no"
Gabbie: "what.?"
Liza: "Gabbie im late."

~•Back to present time•~

I find the pregnancy tests. I pick 3 different brands to be sure. I pay for them and drive back home. I run to the bathroom and take the boxes out of the bag.

I put all three of them on the counter and set a timer on my phone for 5 minutes. Those 5 minutes was the slowest 5 minutes ever. I sat there for what felt like 5 hours just thinking.

What if a am pregnant?

You'll raise a family with the man you love.

What if David doesn't want this?

Of course he'll be happy, he loves you.

What about adoption? Abortion?

No. I'd never be able to do that.

Then the timer goes off.
I stand up shaking and go over to the counter.


I start crying. I'm not even sure why I am crying. I'm happy. But I'm also terrified. All the questions come back and I start panicking. All I know is that

I have to tell David

I decided to have him come over

~•Phone Conversation•~

David: "Hey babe what's up?"
Liza: "Nothing much. Can you come over pleaseeeeeee?
David: "I have to go to Jason's to get vlog footage babe."
Liza: "David I need you to come over."
I start crying
Liza: "please"
David: "oh shit yea I'll be there in 15 minutes"
Liza: "okay. Thank you."
David: "I love you. I'll see you soon."
Liza: "I love you too."

~•David POV•~

What the hell is wrong with Liza? Now I'm worried. I call Jason and tell him I can't come over and then drive to Liza's house. I run to her door and knock. She opens the door. She looks horrible. I hug her tight not letting go. I let go and she starts to talk:

Liza: "I need to tell you something David. Go sit down."

She runs to the bathroom as I sit on her couch. She comes back with 3 pregnancy tests.

What the fuck?

~•Liza's POV•~

I come out of the bathroom with the pregnancy tests. I look at David and his eyes widened. I sit down next to him and hand him the tests.

Liza: "I'm pregnant."

David stands up with tears in his eyes.

David: "REALLY?"
Liza: "yes"

He picks me up and kisses me passionately. He's still crying

~•Davids POV•~

Liza: "I'm pregnant."

oh my god. I'm going to be a dad. I can't believe  it. Even though we are so young I'm still happy. Then Liza says something that ends my happiness.

Liza: "but David

It's not yours."

AN// well shit lmao. THIS IS SO BAD AHAHAHHA. Please forgive me, this is my first fan fic. lol ty. ~Abby :))

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