The life of a dragon is amazing you have all the freedom you would ever want...unless you were of course a woman you would be taken and sold to the highest bid at the age of 100 then from there on you work your tail off to do what you owner says bu...
It was a sunny day out an I woke and stretched claiming out of the nest I flew down to brother who was hunting bison on the plains the snow had just started to fall winter is close I thought as I waited for brother to down the bison one bison was not enough for three dragons so I sprang from the trees pouncing a bison and killing instantly. I turned to brother who seem shocked.
"What the hell Shivno don't just pounce out of no were you scared me!" Brari growled to me I just smiled
"Who me I scared the big bad red dragon oh my...hehe" I joked I could tell Brari was not pleased that I was taunting him.
"well it's no help you a purr black dragon you are a master of hiding in the shadows...your possibly a better hunter than me...and I hear black is rare for scale color among females," Brari said grabbing his kill and flying off.
"Not like it helped me in life at all," I said under my breath
I did hate my color for if a male had it they were seen as powerful but us females are supposed to be weak so they see me as a threat and whenever I pass a stray male they either beat me or just plain out torcher me. I never fight back for I would receive are far greater beating and I didn't want this color I am unnaturally strong even for a female...females are strong but I have brute strength ether it was growing up the hard way or maybe my color douse do something.
I thought as I walked thru the woods pray in mouth till I heard a very familiar voice it was Migino the green and yellow dragon.
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"Well well well what do we have hear...a trespasser," Migino said giving me an evil laugh
"Trespassing this is my parent's territory!" I growled dropping my kill
" know nothing...they are weak they don't deserve land like this its mine know" he growls
"then I challenge you Migino for my parents!" I hissed at him I didn't like to fight but him calling my mother and father weak crossed the line.
"Piff...rely you think I would waste my time battling a female and one who breaks all the laws to" he smiled
"What! The stupid law that females can't hunt it's a dumb law and I can probably hunt better than bag of shit I bet you're just afraid of me you weak bastard and first off us females are strong never forget that!" I roared I could tell I enraged Migino but I don't care I glared and his nose flared smoke fumed out them and he hissed.
"How dare brat you don't have the right to talk back to me" he roared and he opened his mouth and flames shot out my eyes widened.
"You stupid jerk you're going to burn the forest down!" I growled dogging his fire and jumping on him and clamping my jaws on to one of his wings.