Peter Parker

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3rd Person POV

Beep. Beep. Beep.

Your alram went off which was Jarvis. "Five more mintues." You groaned, and flipped over.
"I'm sorry, but unless you want Pietro to come in I suggest you wake." You shot start up, knowing that Pietro would probably pour ice on you. You got up, put on your clothes, put your hair in a braid (if you have short hair than leave it down or something), and head to breakfast.
"So who is in charge of breakfast today? Rhodey or Buckey?" You pull a smirk on your face as the two superheroes look astonished.
"Well, before that" Wanda came in, talking, "you need to wake Pietro."
"Why?" You asked confused.
"He is going to take you to school." Wanda smiled then Sam walked in. "Sam make breakfast." Sam looked really confused then started cooking pancakes. You walked into Pietros room. All over his walls were posters of him and Wanda even his bed sheet was him.
"WAKE UP SLEEPY HEAD!!" You yelled.
"Five more minutes." He grumbled.
"Okay fine. I'll tell Nat you like her." You cross your arms.
"You wouldn't dare." He grumbled still laying down.
"Aunt Nat!" You yelled. Natasha rushed in.
"Yeah, (y/n)?"
"Pietro likes-"
"I like sardines." Pietro interrupted you rubbing the back of his neck. Nat just shrugged and left. Pietro was standing there in blue underwear.
"Dude, put on some clothes." Then you followed Natasha out of the room.

*the time skip brought to you by shy Peter Parker*

You reached the school in Pietro's silver Lamborghini. Students awed at the sight. One boy caught your sight. He was skate boarding when he looked at you and ran into another student. You rolled your eyes. "Have a good first day," Pietro messed up your hair. "and see you at three." You got out of the car, trying to fix your hair. You finally give up when the bell rings.

"Everyone, this is out new student, (y/n) Stark." The teacher had you stand up front. You weren't normally shy, but everyone was looking at you intensely. "Anyone want to ask Ms. Stark a question?" There was an uneasy silence in the room until someone raised their hand. "Ask away, Flash." The teacher said.
"Are you really Tony Starks kid?" You were about to say yes, but a girl spoke up. "Duh. Did you see that Lamborghini?" "Michelle, Flash that's enough!" The teacher demanded. "(Y/n), you can sit with Peter. If that's okay?" She said calmly. "Yeah, that's okay." You took a seat by the boy from earlier. "So, your Mr. Starks daughter." He whispered. "Uh, yeah." You didn't know why you acted strange, but something felt weird. Like butterflies in your stomach. The only thing that you didn't know was that Peter had the same thing, but you both ignored it.

*time skip 1 year cuz I be lazy*

Peter had become your crush for about a year, and you still couldn't understand the Hydra case that you worked on secretly. "(Y/n)! (Y/n)! Earth to (y/n)!" Ned waved a hand in front of your face. "What?" You asked sarcastically. You had became best friends with Peter, Ned, and Michelle. "You were staring at your food not eating it! There's something wrong!" Ned waved his hands in the air. Peter laughed while Michelle rolled her eyes. "Can you guys be less, you know, you guys?" "Nah, than it wouldn't be our group." Peter said then turned to look at Liz. You didn't like her, of course she was nice, but just the way Peter looked at her was enough to make you win a battle against Bruce, in angry, green mode. You sighed when the bell went off telling you it was time for your next class.

^after school^

You decided to walk home because you didn't want Happy or Wanda or any of the Avengers to take you home. They moved to a new place farther away from school, so you dad decided to buy a house. Sometimes the Avengers, in small numbers, would come in and check on you, but you mainly lived with Pietro and Wanda. They would spend the every other week with you while Tony and Pepper the others. You felt a hand over your mouth. "No pretty lady should be walking alone at night." The hand pulled you into an alley. You tried to punch him, but your hands were pinned behind your back. "Let's see what you got." You whimpered. It was unlike you to be weak, but his voice was familiar. "Leave her alone!"

Peters POV

"Leave her alone!" I yelled. I was in my Spider-Man suit that Mr. Stark gave me. "What is a tiny spider suppose to do?" "This" I punched him in the face, and webbed him against the wall. I looked over to see the victim, and I saw (y/n). Something fluttered thourgh my stomach like butterflies. I helped her up. "Do you need a lift?" I asked. She nodded, and wrapped her arms around my torso. She didn't scream or anything it was like she done this before. "Where do you live?" She point to a house with solar panels and mostly glass walls. Gosh, I thought that the Avengers moved. I landed her on the balcony. I turned upside down, and asked, "Could I get a thank you kiss?" She rolled her eyes, and lifted my mask to my nose. Our lips touched, and she quickly took off the mask. "Peter! I knew it was you!" She yelled. "Don't yell it for China! Wait how did you know?" I was surprised. "That's my little secret." She shook her head. I didn't know what I was doing, but I grabbed her and started a heated make out session. She pulled back. "I thought you liked Liz?" "I loved you longer." I smirked. "You know what, Peter." "What?" "You're one sexy spider." We started making out again. "(Y/n)? Peter?" A star struck Tony said. "Peter, can I talk to you alone?" He took me to the edge of the balcony by the shoulder. "Peter, you were supposed to protect her! Not making out with her!" He said sternly. "Now go home I'm pretty your pretty Aunt is going to be worried about you." Then he walked away while I went home to Aunt May.

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