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Michelle Pov

It's been a month since we became apart of Shield or whatever you want to call it. I'm basically the undercover girl, Ned is "the guy in the chair" as he calls it, Peter is still Spider-Man, and (Y/n) is IronGirl. We were doing training. I was wearing a black suit with my hair tied in a ponytail. I was trying to hack into some computer.

"I can't do this!" I yell putting my hands up in frustration. "It's too hard!" The codes were so tightly protected that I couldn't even touch one key without it kicking me out.

{You can do it! Just take a deep breath} Neds voice came out of the earpiece.

"Shut up! Just shut up!" I yelled punching the table.

"Mission failed. Better luck next time, losers." Jarvis says, and the hologram disappears. Peter storms in while (y/n) chases him. Both wearing their suits.

"What was that!?" Peter yells pointed to the walls.

"Oh okay! Lover boy! You don't have any stress at all!" I yelled back.

{No need to use Hunger Games reference}

"Shut up Ned!" I yell pointlessly to the ceiling. Me and Peter continue to argue when (y/n) interrupts us.

"Guys! Shut up! Peter she just started! It's harder for her to get use to this life!" She yells, tears threatens to fall. "And Michelle stop giving up! Your our only person for this!"

"I don't even want to be here." I mutter hoping she doesn't hear me.

"Then you shouldn't have signed up!" She turns around, and leaves the room.

"Look what you done!" Peter points to me.

"Look what I done! I only did this because of you three!"

Peter storms out of the room.

{Gosh, da-} before Ned finishes I take out the earpiece, and throw it across the room. I was walking past (y/n)'s room when I heard a window slam shut. I opened the door to see a note laying on her desk. Man, her room was huge. Walls painted (f/c), posters of (f/b) (favorite band/singer), wall to floor windows, and her bed was massive. Her bedsheet was of (f/a) (favorite anime or tv show). Stop it! I have to find (y/n). I picked up the note, and I looked at the writing it seemed to be written in some type of red marker. It read

You will never have her. You will feel my wrath once again. Stark, you took everything from me.


I gasped and ran out of the room. Clutching the note, I wondered what this has to do with the Starks.

(btw his name is Fred ^)

"Analyzation complete." An unfamiliar female voice said.

"Thanks Friday!" Tony said from the computer. I looked at him awkwardly. "Friday, is a secondary Jarvis, but (y/n)s mom made her and..."

"It's okay you don't have to tell me." I quickly added, making sure he understood. "Jar- Friday, tell us the information."

"There seems to be a note connected to Mr. Stark somewhere,  and that isn't marker it's blood." Me and Tony looked at each other. "But that's not all, K.O.P seems to be a gang in the year 2045. The blood also appears to be Michelle's blood from that timeline." Both of us went silent.

"Anything else?" A voice, only to be known as Ned, called. He must have snuck in while Friday was talking.

"And (y/n) is the leader of the gang. I haven't figured out what K.O.P is but-"

"I think I may have a clue." Tony, stood up. "Put the guards, Avengers, and Sheild on Alert G-55. Get me a meeting with reporters for last night show. Don't alert Peter, we don't need a spider right now." He looked at me and Ned. "Don't tell Peter, he'll go psycho." Then he walked away. Ned shook his head,

"You think he planed for this."

"Cause he did." I looked on the computer screen:

Alert G-55

Operation: K.O.P

In 2045, (y/n) starts a gang called K.O.P. We don't know why, but she gets captures. The only good information we know if that Daisy (or D.Y) knows about this starting up. Other information is classified.

Please type in password for more classified information:

"Dang, that's deep." Ned said after I finished reading it aloud.

"What does K.O.P mean?"

"I think you should know sweet heart." A man's voice was coming from the right wall. He looked familiar, but I couldn't put it on spot. He had a hood on, so I couldn't make out his face. Ned was still looking at the computer screen. I waved my hand in front of his face, he did nothing in return. "He can't hear or see us. I stopped time. Darling, I think you might need this." He gave me a blue gem that glowed. Then he pressed a button on his left wrist.

"-and that would be impossible." Ned suddenly spoke.


"Impossible to time travel." I nodded, but I was to busy thinking about the hooded figure.

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