The Message (Peter's Pov)

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I walked into Tony's lab to see Michelle and Ned hunched over a computer. They didn't seem to want anyone to notice they were there. That have me a idea. I climb on the walls, and climbed on the ceiling. I got my webs ready since I always take them everywhere. Now, I slip upside down to see what they're looking at.

G-55 operation on go.

*Have Ned hack into the computer base
*While he is hacking, Team A will be proceding to Point 1
*Team A creates diversion so Team B can reach Point 3
*Team B reaches Point 3 Ned should be done
*Ned opens doors to (y/n) room and Team B retrieves her
*While Team B is getting (y/n), Team A is heading toward Point 2
*Team B + (y/n) will head toward Point 2

Team A: Hawkeye, Thor, Hulk, Quicksilver, Scarlet Witch
Team B: Black Widow, IronMan, Captian America, Ant Man
Behind the Scenes: Ned, Michelle

P.S don't let Peter see *cough* Ned..

"This is really tough code," Ned complained, "its going to be hard to break, Mr. Stark." I realized Ned had a ear piece on.

{Psh...psh.. You better get it! Make sure Peter does not find out!} Tony yelled into the the piece.

{Tony don't be so hard on him} Steve tried to calm him down.

"I'll go find Pet-" Michelle turned around and let out a yelp.

"Michelle, if it's a rat again I'm going to throttle you!" Ned complained.

"Geez thanks. I'm not a rat." I say, and Ned jumps.

"Holy SpiderMan! Peter!"


"Mr. Stark, where is everybody?"

{Damn it!}

{We're rescuing your girlfriend!} Clint replied for Tony.

"Oh..wait..What happened?" I asked, suddenly everyone stops. The computer stops rolling, Michelle and Ned stopped moving.

"Look," A feminine voice commands, I turn around to see Michelle. She had a pixie cut with dried blood in it, she also has tons of buttons on her wrist, and was older. "I don't have much time, so I need to explain things to you.
"Yes, I'm Michelle. Future Michelle. (Y/n) is leader of the K.O.P. It's supposed to mean Keepers Of Peace, but it actually means Killers Of Peace. Don't help them try to find her if you want the future that you desire."

"How can I not help her! She's my girlfriend!"

"Is she? Or is she doomed? I'm warning you. As much as I want that future, you have the right to be happy. So what is it going to be? I'm waiting."

"I'm helping her no matter what." My hands were balled up into a fist.

"Hint of advice: Don't play nice." I thought she was playing, but she looked stone cold. She disappeared, and the room went back to normal.

"Peter," Ned said, "what happened?"


"You spaced out," Michelle explained.

"Yeah, I just need to figure out this plan."

"Why?" They asked

"Because I'm going to save (y/n), durh."

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