Chapter 1: Night Moves and Piles of Hell

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Apartment 205, Knoxville, Tennessee

"I was a little too tall

Could've used a few pounds

Tight pants points hardly reknown."

A twenty-six year old psychology student's blue eyes skimmed over the words on the pages in front of her, her tongue pressed between her lips in concentration as she turned the page. Her blonde waves hung from her head, just touching the laminate wood floor and swiping away a little bit of dust and dirt everytime she bobbed her head to the music that drifted around her small apartment.

"She was a black-haired beauty with big dark eyes

And points all her own sitting way up high

Way up firm and high."

If she moved the book even an inch to the left then she'd be looking at her dresser that seemed to be glued to the ceiling, every knick-knack and piece of makeup magically sticking to the top of it. Her whole room was upside down to her, her long legs stretched across the width of the messy bed, blankets bunched up every which way and scattered across the sheets as she hung upside down. She had lost count of the pillows and blankets she needed to keep warm in her apartment lately.

"Out past the cornfields where the woods got heavy

Out in the back seat of my 'sixty Chevy

Workin' on mysteries without any clues

Workin' on our night moves."

She turned the page of her psychology textbook, frowning slightly when she read the title. She was ahead of her class. Letting out a defeated huff, she decided to close the book and slide it across the floor. Her eyes followed its movements, showing no reaction when it rammed into the two stacks of identical textbooks that were piled as high as her dresser, just threatening to topple over with the slightest push. It wobbled slightly and her eyes widened. She bit her lower lip in anticipation, hoping that they would stay upright. The last thing she needed was to clean all of them up and have to sort through them again. When the books stilled she let out a breath of relief, closing her eyes lightly.

"Tryin' to make some front page drive-in news

Workin' on our night moves

In the summertime

In the sweet summertime."

She hummed along and tried to let her brain relax for once. She was already ahead in all of her assignments and needed some time to herself. Exams were coming up soon and she couldn't let herself fret too much. Enough was already piled on her plate as it was.

"We weren't in love, oh no, far from it

We weren't searchin' for some pie in the sky summit

We were just young and restless and bored

Livin' by the sword

And we'd steal away every chance we could

To the backroom, to the alley or the trusty woods

I used her—"

The marimba ringtone of her iPhone 3GS interrupted her music. Her eyes fluttered open and she groaned. She willed it to stop, prayed that she could get her music back and just have more than thirty seconds to herself. That was all she asked for. Just five minutes of peace and qui—

"FBI!" a deep, husky voice roared out, followed by the man's fist pounding on her front door loud enough to drown out the sound of the ringtone on her bluetooth speaker and wake the entire apartment building. The blonde scowled and twisted her body around, rolling onto the floor from her hanging position but catching herself before her knees could hit the ground. Her palms were pressed flat against the wood, her arms shaking as she struggled to hold herself up. The last thing she needed was more injury to her knee as bad as it already was. "Open up!" the man yelled out again.

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