please read, its about the book.

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okay so i legit have no idea where i'm going with this?? like honestly i feel like i've covered just about everything.

i swear to god, if there is ONE THING ANY of you need explained PLEASE for the love of gOD tell me, okay?

i have no idea what else needs to be written about. i just have no idea what else is gonna be in here? so i know i don't get a lot of comments but i sure as hell get a lot of reads.

so i have a proposal:

can i turn this into a spam book? and write about me?

it would probably include:

• unpopular opinions
• vents about my minuscule problems
• perhaps something funny from here to there
• maybe my own photography/art pictures of y'all care about that
• me talking about how much i love my cat (i swear to god i have a problem)
• me talking about how much i adore my three best frens
• and, of course, updates whenever something big explodes in the clique.

if this is a problem please tell me. if, because of this, the book is gonna be removed from any libraries or reading lists, please tell me. it's not gonna hurt my feelings, okay? ive got tough skin. don't worry about being rude, because i know i'm turning a book into something it's not.

i would definitely not delete the chapters that i've already had! i would keep those for new readers or people who forgot and need a memory refresher.

please comment!! please!! whatever you say is definitely accounted for.

so comment what you want:

-go ahead and turn the book into a spam book, but have much more frequent updates.

-keep it as a guide but have very slow updates, it would definitely be only if someone commented things they're confused on.

-honestly i don't give a fuck

thank you if you actually read this

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