Hisako's Departure

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That summer must be the most pathetic summer she's ever been through. Even when Erina decides to go to Copenhagen to visit Alice (which initially, to make sure she's not breathing the same air as him), she finds herself getting more miserable each day because no work means nothing to distract her jumbled mind.

But luckily, Hisako only postpones some of them, so when she gets back to Tokyo, she's as busy as ever. Until the pinkette tells her that she's continuing her study in Shanghai after summer, which obviously bummed her when she first breaks the news.

"B-But I'll still be able to arrange your schedules, meetings, and--"

"Hisako, that's fine. Just focus on your physiology studies in the meantime. I'm certain it will do your cooking good." Erina tells her, "I'll miss having you around, though."

So when Hisako leaves, poor Hayama that's get left behind asks the Nakiri heiress when he drives the her back from the airport.

"Do you think she'll miss me?"

"Undoubtedly." She answers shortly, "She cares a lot for you and Shiomi-san."

"I'll miss her too." He says, eyes glued on the road.

"You will manage, Hayama-kun. Teaching in an academy as big as Tōtsuki will not give you much time to mourn before she's back in three years."

"So will you, Nakiri-san." Hayama assures, "And I'm not talking about Hisako."

"Wh-What is that suppose to mean?"

"Even I know you already know the answer to that question."

She does.

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