It's All Working Out (In the End)

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It's summer again, and the whole gang gathers in picturesque Florence for Megumi's and Takumi's wedding. At the first place, she thinks about passing because her schedule doesn't seem to allow her, but her assistant manages to pull out some strings to get out from some appointments-- no it's not Hisako; the pinkette is now her sole right hand woman who has full control of Exposé Tokyo.

But she's seriously thinking that her assistant just made a horrible, horrible choice emptying her schedule just for this bad memory digger they called a wedding reception.

Romantic Italian melody plays in the crisp air, and they're dancing beneath a series of vines illuminated by the sunshine's warmth. They look happy. She whispers something in his ear and he cackles.

Erina loves Megumi so deeply and is extremely happy for her for running one of Japan's finest Ryokan, especially for taking the most wanted celebrity chef off the market, but it doesn't mean that she gets to have a dance with... with...

"Hey, Erina. Don't just sulk yourself with a glass of neat scotch you obviously can't handle." Alice sneaks up behind her, jolting her from her pettiness, "Here. Remove your drugstore-looking lipstick and apply mine."

"Well, perhaps if you're blind enough to identify Chanel, I might as well let you know that it's only the bride that's supposed to wear white."

"Mou, Erina! Why are you always so mean? This is beige!" Alice pouts, "And for the love of God, they're just dancing!"

"Wha-What are you talking about?"

"Megumi-chan and Yukihira-kun, of course! Isn't that why you're here in the bar, consumed by jealousy?"

"A-Absolutely not! I-I'm thirsty and I do not care whatsoever about whom he dances with!"

Alice folds her arm, raising her eyebrow, obviously not buying it. But instead of nagging some more, she sits down at the bar next to her.

"Look, Erina. I know you're in that weird stage with him, but jealousy is unnecessary. They've been close since he first got into the academy. Is it wrong of him to dance with his best friend on her wedding day with Takumi-kun?"

"I-It's not that! It's--"

"Gee, Erina. Your denial is so annoying." She says, stealing her scotch before taking a long sip, "I'm telling you, it's all in your damn head."

"Erina-sama! Alice-sama!" Hisako approaches them and waves, "It's good to finally have a chance to talk here. Don't the newlyweds look gorgeous?"

Erina's eyes turn to the dancefloor, catching a glimpse of Megumi that is now dancing with Takumi so lovingly, but her amethyst eyes are searching for someone else-- her previous dance partner. Sōma is nowhere to be seen.

"Y-Yes. I suppose they are." She answers slowly.

"Seriously, Erina? You still make Hishoko-chan calls you with 'sama'?" Alice spurts, "How typical."

"I assure you, Alice-sama. It isn't a part of her willing." The pinkette clarifies, "And it's not Hishoko anymore."

"Whatever. I'm still calling you Hishoko just because. Where is Hayama-kun anyway?"

"He's getting some sweets. But I need to ask, Alice-sama. Are you wearing white?"

"Mou! It's not white! It's beige!" Alice raises to her feet, pulling the fabric out of her tight dress, "I'm out of here. Where is Ryo-kun when I need him anyway!"

Both Erina and Hisako giggles as Alice marches away.

"Have you danced at all, Erina-sama?" Hisako asks, leaning herself to the bar.

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