Chapter 4 Water

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Boomer went into the ballroom…It was adorned with royal blue curtains, table clothes, everything. Even his suit was royal blue. There were colden tableware, white wine, the finest foods, everything was the best. The tiles on the floor shone like pearls. "I can't do this." He said and turned to leave, but his mother was right behind him and she held him back with her small hands planted firmly on his chest.

"Boomer! Remember, you promised!" She whined. Honestly, his mother could be such a child sometimes! Boomer let out a huff and growled a 'fine'. "Yeah! Oh, look, the cake is finally finished! Oh, Geranoldo, is that chocolate?! I told you vanilla!"

"I changed it to chocolate. You know I can't stand vanilla." His mother whined, but gave in. No time for a different cake. Boomer smirked and left to occupy himself until he had to come down.

Bubbles went through the nearly deserted town. Most of the people had already gone on their way to the palace. She needed a dress first. Bubbles came to the Orphanage and the door was immediantly opened by two small orphans. They all knew of the offer, and they were smiling large grins at her. She quickly went to find Edward. Her footsteps sounded echoed as if everyone were getting ready. The grandfather clock ticked away and the bell rang when it was five. The ball had started. Bubbles came to the room she had been in before. There he was with a girl almost as tall as he was. She was about a foot smaller. She held out a long, beautiful light blue ball gown that looked so lovely it could only be described as an angel's dress. Next to her was a small orphan boy and in his hands were two crystal high heels. "I'm glad that you are on time." He said with his slow smirk. Bubbles looked down at her feet. Why did his smile make her feel so small and worthless...a disgrace? "Here is your dress. It is very beautiful, no?" He noticed her grieved expression. "If you do well, you may keep all that you wear tonight." Bubbles sighed.

How will THAT make up for what I am going to do? She walked up and slowly took the garments before the girl led her to another room.

Boomer yawned with boredom. The ball had started two hours ago and already he had danced withe every girl twice. He began to think. It wasn't like he didn't want to fall in love with someone and marry them (to say no would be outlawed), but he was being forced to do a ball. Boomer would rather do it his own way. He came over to Mina when the dance was over. It would be their third dance (unfortunately). "May I," He sighed, "have this dance, Miss. Mina?" She giggled.

"Of course, your highness." She said in an over exaggerated feminine voice. Mina took his hand and he led her towards the dance floor.

Bubbles sat in the cold silver carriage with the white horses pulling. She didn't feel like an angel. Her hair was curled with sparkled embedded into it, her neck had a silver chain with a beautiful sapphire, her lips were now rosy pink...but Bubbles felt ugly and dirty and she wanted to hide. The girl sat in front of her, smiling happily. "The orphans will be in the ballroom too, so you won't be lonely." Bubbles didn't answer. "Do not look so fretful, you are returning something that was stolen and forever punishing the theif."

"...The one who stole it has been long dead...can't you just bury the problem and live your lives?" The girl glared at her.

"We CAN live on your family's money, you know." Bubbles felt her body turn cold. She hated this girl. The girl reached over and took her hands. "Do not worry, you are doing a great honor in returning this. Why, you'll be considered part of the family after this and be returning the country to it's original happy state." Bubbles let out a nervous sigh as she clutched the rag that held her most hated possession. "You remember what you are to do, right?" Bubbles nodded shakily.

"I just wonder...why me? Why must I do this?"

"Because, since you are so beautiful, you can get close to the royal family. His mother will definately seek you out for the perfect bride." The carriage stopped and Bubbles dared to peek out the window. The palace was beautiful with a lush garden at the far side. In the garden was a tremendous laberanth. "Do you see that laberanth?" She nodded. "Try to take him there if you can. And remember, you must do it at twelve o'clock." Bubbles hid the rag and it's object into her small handbag and the door was opened by the doorman. She took his hand with her white gloved hand and stepped out gracefully. "And smile, you will certainly catch someone's eye." The girl said out the window. "I'll be waiting here."

Boomer was in the middle of another dance, this time with Jenna's best friend, Amare. She was a cute brunette with grey eyes. Only she was smaller than him and talked an awful lot. "Mygrandfatherowned afarmanditjustkeptgrowingandgrowing,soonhewasknownthroughoutthecountryandwegotricherandricherandricheruntilweweretherichestfarmers there,sowemovedherebecausethereweremorepeopletobuyourcropsandourmeatsand-" She was bumped into. "Hey,youknowthat'sorude!Howcanpeoplebesorudeinthemiddleofaball?Don'tyoujusthateitwhenyourdancingonadancefloorandsomeone...your highness?" Boomer wasn't listening anymore. Amare turned her head to see what he was looking at and her mouth fell open. There was a girl in a beautiful powder blue dress. She had white lace gloves, sapphire blue eyes, rosy blush cheeks, golden hair, rosy pink lips. She was small, about two feet or so under Prince Boomer. She had an air of innocence around her. Boomer let go of Amare. "Uh, your highness, is our dance over?" He didn't hear her. Boomer watched the girl walk down the long flight of stairs with such grace, it was like she was an angel. He finally went to her. The room was silent.

"Good evening, Miss." He bowed to her. The girl blushed and her eyes widened.

"Good evening, Sire." She said shakily.

"May I ask your name?"

"...Ummm..." He could see she was just too nervous.

"Names are not important anyway. May I have this dance?"

Bubbles' face flushed with embarressment. She didn't know so much attention would come to her. And she didn't know that the prince would come straight to her. Bubbles felt the envious eyes on them, but it felt so right. Her heart pounded and she shook slightly. "I-I...would love to..." She said in a voice barely audible. He must have heard her because he took Bubbles' hand and led her away from the stairs. Suddenly, he put her hand on his shoulder and his hand on her waist. Then they began to waltz. A few minutes into the dance, when a whole crowd had formed, Boomer spoke.

"You are very graceful, Miss." Her cheeks were burning red.

"T-thank you, Sire." She whispered. The music was classical and slow for her. She dared to look into his eyes and saw that they were dark blue with silver lining along the edges. They were beautiful. Boomer looked into her eyes and saw that they were actually robin egg blue and they were shining too. It looked like she had cried not too long ago and the distress was still there. Who would hurt such a perfect angel?

Whoever did will feel the very heat of my fury. He vowed. Soon, Bubbles departed with him because he had to find a new partner. She wandered over to a table and sat down when a waiter brought her a plate filled with food.

"And what shall you have to drink, Miss?" Bubbles looked very confused and sighed.

"Ummm...water is fine."

"Will Miss be having a spring of lemon or strawberry in her water?"

"Strawberry?" A waitress came up with a scornful look on her face.

"Strawberry, such a common response." She muttered under her breath. She probably thought Bubbles didn't catch that.

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, nothing, M'lady." They sat there glaring until a voice said-

"I don't think it's common. I like strawberries." They looked to see Prince Boomer standing there. "I'm tired, may I join you?" Bubbles nodded and he sat down. "Two waters with strawberry in it." The waiter and waitress nodded frantically and rushed to collect it. "Don't mind her, she's just cross because I had a crush on her last summer, but she got so haughty and rude that I found that I didn't like her at all." Bubbles sighed. So he had liked her? That's why she hated her, so many times that happened to her. Bubbles unknowingly caught the heart of some boy, the girl who loved him hated her forever. "Please," He said to arouse her from her thoughts, "dance with me again. And keep dancing with me, I don't like dancing with other girls." He reached out his hand and they went to the dance floor again, ignoring the fact that their water was there.

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