Chapter 18 Found?

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Blare sat in the archives as Bell fed him every paper on Edward. He had a lot of orphanages everywhere and boarding schools. Bell began to get tired when Blare stopped her. "Look here." He showed her a couple of papers. "These are lists of his most prestigious orphanages, these kids even have their own servants. Which one has the less chance of coming within contact with royal officials?" bell sat down and began reading before speaking.

"The Northern Area, My Lord." Blare nodded. "Contact some royal guards and check it out, I send you alone because you can identify her very well. I need to do more research. don't let them know that you saw her if she's there." Bell bowed to him and walked away to recruit some guards. Blare couldn't help, but notice how her hips swung slowly as she walked.

"Alright, I need six guards. We're headed over to the Northern Area to scout out Edward's Northern Orphanage. We have reason to believe Lady Bubbles is trapped there." Bell recruited the guards. They all nodded and cheered as they grabbed their swords and Bell lead them out. "Okay, we aren't going to start any trouble, we're just going to evaluate and look for her. Be careful of any trick, look at each and every servant there. And if necessary, use brute force." Bell said, setting herself onto a brown horse. They all saluted her and surrounded her in a circle before they rode off.

"Where is Bell going?" Blossom asked.

"I sent her to scout out Edward's Northern Orphanage. She should be back soon."

"Don't you remember? It's Lord Butch's job to retrieve her."

"Don't worry, I just told her to scout it out and not to announce it if she sees her. She's to report back to us." Blossom nodded and bowed to him.

"Announcing Madame Bell, royal maid to her highness, Lady Bubbles." One of the guards announced loudly as Bell stood up in front.

"I have direct orders from Lord Blare to inspect this area. We have reason to believe that Prince Boomer's bride has been taken here shortly after she was abducted from her room." Bell announced.

"I can assure you, Ma'am, that she is not here." The Mistress said.

"I will be the judge of that, thank you. Men, scout out and bring me every young female, even the servants. Each and every one of them and bring them out front in the courtyard." Bell ordered. She spun around to the head Mistress. "Will you take me on a tour of this establishment? I am to search it through and through, no matter what the rules on any room are."

"Well, Ma'am, I'm not sure..."

"Now, please." She began walking down the hallway. The Head Mistress followed her with exasperation.

"And this is our fifth dorm-way. It's an all girl dorm hallway."

"Really? Introduce me to them."

"But, Miss, we..."

"Come now, do not keep me waiting." The reason Bell was bossing her around was even though she was a servant in the palace, she held a higher status then the Head Mistress. So the Head Mistress had to listen. The Head Mistress sighed and bowed to her.

"This is Anndrialine's room." She opened the door and a girl shrieked. Her maid was holding out a silver dress to her, but she was staring at Bell. "Come now, Anndrialine! She's a girl like you are," She scolded. "This is Madame Bell, she is a maid to her Highness, Lady Bubbles. She is here searching for her."

"Good day, Anndrialine." Anndrialine bowed to her and was blushing because she was in her underclothes. "Don't worry, I won't tell." She smiled at Bell and they left, closing the door behind her.

"This is Samma's room." They went through room and room until they came to Maddi's room. "And here is Maddi's room." Just then, Bubbles made her way out. "Annastia, look out!"

"EEK! Oh, forgive me, Head Mistress." She bowed and left quickly, but not before passing a quick glance to Bell. Bell held her gaze for a moment before the Head Mistress scolded her again.

"Annastia! Go and do your job!"

"EEP! Yes, Ma'am!" She ran off. Bell felt anger flare up in her.

"Forgive her, she is quite the airhead." Bell glared at her behind her back while she opened the door. Maddi was sitting in her chair, reading a book with a bored expression when she looked up and stood. "Maddi, I would like you to meet Madame Bell, she is here on a search for her princess. It seems that she is missing." Maddi nodded.

"Well, no princess has graced my room. I'm sure if she had, I wouldn't be in this establishment. The only ones who have been in my room today are myself, you my fair ladies, and that bonehead Annastia." Bell stiffened and nodded.

"I'm sure you would notice if she came in. She's hopelessly beautiful, golden blonde hair, crystal blue eyes, creamy skin, and everything a man's heart could desire." The very short and curt discription was enough to make both the Head Mistress and Maddi go green with pure envy. "And she is the sweetest woman I have had the pleasure of serving. Always starting the morning with a smile and her laughter is contagious. It's no wonder how Prince Boomer fell madly in love with her the first time he set eyes on her. Many women may proclaim her to be too plain and small, but there is no telling it. Lady Bubbles is the kindest, sweetest, loveliest, and most gorgeous princess we shall ever have. And it is my great honor to find her again and bring her back to her rightful place, Prince Boomer's side at the alter." Maddi's face was now red and you could practically see the steam coming from the Head Mistress's ears. "I think I have seen enough, I shall take my leave with my posse. Good day." She went out to her horse and shooed away the children crowding him.

"I hope she never finds that girl! The only thing as beautiful as what she describes is an angel!" Maddi said.

"Well, I must say, she wasted a good amount of her time here. What princess would be here instead of princess of the pigs?" Bubbles stood behind them and had to fight the tears from falling. Bell was silent the whole way, determined to report back.

I found her! Don't worry, princess, I'll send you help!

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