Chapter 13 Princess Lessons

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Princess Lessons

Bubbles woke up slowly to find almost no sounds stirring in the palace. It was completely quiet. It was calm and warm under all the covers. It took a while for Bubbles to remember where she was and why she was there. She began to giggle for a while until someone knocked. "Umm, come in." A tall woman with long brown hair done up in an elegant French braid. She wore a long green dress with a golden lace. "Good morning, your Highness. Have you slept well?" She had such an offical tone, it scared Bubbles to say anything. so she just nodded. "Good, we have a long day ahead of us."

"W-what are we-" She held up her hand.

"First lesson, you must not stammer. Even if you are nervous. Princesses do not stammer." Bubbles gulped.

"What are we doing?"

"Since you were raised, and pardon me for saying this, a commoner, we must teach you how to be a princess. You will learn to walk and stand like a princess. To sit like a princess. Eat like a princess. You will live like a princess!" She said. "My name is Lady Ariel and I will be teaching you. Now up, up, up!" Bubbles quietly scrambled out of bed and stood perfectly straight. "Good, your posture is perfect. Now, chose your dress." Bubbles went over to the closet and looked around. "Now, Prince Boomer has woken up and, as his fiancee, you must match his choice of color. He is wearing dark blue today." Lady Ariel said. Bubbles thought for a while before answering.

"So, I wear yellow."

"Correct." She said. Bubbles slowly removed a beautiful yellow dress with a yellow sun hat. "Good choice, now we must be on our way. So dress quickly and we shall start towards breakfast." Bubbles put it on and looked at herself in the mirror. It was weird. She actually looked like a princess with her long blonde hair and blue eyes and long lashes. "Come, princess!"

"I'm coming." She walked after the tall lady with servant boys turning their heads to stare at her. Bubbles never really acknowledged that she was beautiful, but now she was completely sure. Breakfast was a little bt hard because she had to concentrate on which fork to use, which spoon to use, which knife, when it is appropriate to drink, everything. I would have never guessed that there were rules to eating...except for manners..."Umm, Lady Ariel?" Lady Ariel looked up from her tea and set her eyes on her. "When would it be okay for me to see Prince Boomer?" She learned from Blossom, earlier that night, that she was address him as Prince Boomer or anything else before just plaining addressing him as 'Boomer'. It was respectful.

"Prince Boomer is out hunting with his advisors, he shall be back soon. Until then, come. The Queen wants you to be there when the guests arrive."


"For the wedding of course. You haven't made your decision yet." She continued looking at her with an eyebrow raised.

"Umm, well, I'd like my family to be there..."

"They were already invited. They will be staying here too until after the wedding."

"...Umm, who else will be attending?"

"All of the neighboring royal families, the VanComerans," Her brain stopped there.

"T-the VanComerans?" She whispered. Edward...

"No stammering, your highness." Lady Ariel said. "Yes, even though the Royal family has a rocky relationship with them, they ARE the highest lords in the land. We must invite them." Bubbles felt like a cold front had come only for her to feel. Her hunger was lost. She was at a loss of breath. "Your Highness, are you alright?" For once, Lady Ariel seemed genuinely worried.

"I...I do not feel very well..." Servent surrounded her with worried chatter, offering her wet rags, tea, and other things that might help. She waved them to stop. "I...I am alright...please stop worrying..." They bowed to her and returned to their places. "I was just a bit shocked..." A small boy came to Lady Ariel and began whispering to her.

"I know what will make you feel better, Prince Boomer has returned and wishes to speak with you."

Boomer stood in his study. It had a lot of books on all the subjects he liked, a maple desk with gold on the edges for him to do all his work, and a few amenities too. Bubbles knocked lightly on the door. "Who is it?"


"Come in." Boomer said without hesitation. She stepped in gracefully and he welcomed her with a small kiss and a tight hug. "Darling, you should know you can come in anytime you like. You don't need to knock." She smiled at him.

"How was your hunt?"

"Fine, we caught fowl for dinner tonight. Do you like roast duck?"

"...I've never had it. I usually just eat vegetables." Boomer chuckled and began playing with a bit of her hair. "Boomer, why do I have to take princess lessons?"

"Princess lessons?" Boomer repeated in confusion. "I didn't think that they really had that...I guess it's because royalty really needs to be proper and have all the answers and blah, blah, blah."

"So, thee are rules?"

"A lot of them. You wouldn't believe how many rules I have!" He said. "Every time Mother has to listen to all the complaints of the land, I have to stand perfectly still, no break, for hours. And there are a lot of complaints. And I really do get sore for standing that long." Boomer made a few funny faces, imitating the complaining and accusing of many citizens while Bubbles laughed. Finally, they were called to greet the already arriving guests. They had come for lunch. "May I, M'Lady?" He held out his arm and she took his gently. "I don't get it, Love."


"How can you be so gentle and graceful all the time."

"I'm just quick on my feet." she answered as they walked in step.

"Alright, we just have to stand here and wave to them. Then we walk back and we can rest before going to lunch."

"Will I be told where to sit again?"

"I've asked for you to sit next to me."

"What if I use the wrong fork or knife or-"

"I'll warn you before you do. Just follow my lead and you'll be fine, Lovie." The curtains opened and Bubbles looked out towards the village. She could see everything and everyone in the village and at the gates. Carriages were arriving slowly and they just stood there, waving. Suddenly, she spotted the VanComerans' carriage. That cold front came back.

"...B-Boomer...?" He looked at her. "I-I feel...dizzy...m-may I go, please?" Boomer looked very worried and waved a servant girl over.

"Escort my bride to her room to rest. Just tell them when you are well again, okay, Love?"

"Alright..." She walked with the servant back to her room while Boomer waved to the arriving guests.

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