Part 5

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I fell asleep after that meal...... When I was sleeping I her her talking but I couldn't understand what she was saying . haha guess I was too full .


*Talking on the phone*

The thing was i could actually taste it , it had a flavor .

Sounds like your better (ex-boyfriend)

I wouldnt go that far , its just that.... i dont know maybe its just nice to be able to taste something else than liquer and chocolate everything else is just flavorless. Maybe my toung is just as numb as the rest of me.

I think u deciding to just quit was for the best

Hmm maybe so .its strange how you talk like this , pretending to gently touch something you care to brake .

Because back then when i found it hard to even breath much less talk he didnt even believe me . He only heard the rumors, all the little whisper.

Why did you believe them so quickly ? 

We'll start the resignation papers tomorrow.

Hey , thanks for doing this i mean its not like were together anymore

oh c'mon im glad for you.
Ever since you met that old lady in the park ... oh cmon you talk about her all the time , the one who brings you lunch all the time.
I mean i think that its really good that you have someone to talk to .
Hey, get some rest okay ?

*closes the call*

... and ever since then ive been nothing ,.... nothing but lies .

*Alarm goes off*

I hit the snoose button and sit up on my bed to look outside .... its raining i think to myself . I take a shower ,get dressed, brush my teath, eat breakfast and start heading down to the station . I take a train to the park . And when i got there .... there he was .... sitting in the same spot .
I dont know why but i feel weird ...... Anyways i say goodmorning and take my seat . After about 20 minutes i take out a really heavy book from my bag and hands it to him, on the cover it says "handmade shoes".

" here for you" i say tottaly unexpected .

"For me ?, why ? "

"Well you said that you needed it ....."


"Oh my god ! This isn't cheap THANK YOU SO MUCH !! "

"Its my pleasure" i say as i laugh .

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