Part 2

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Later that day . I got home from school , took a shower, turned the radio on and started cooking dinner. My mom went out but she didn't say where she was going . I started by boiling some pasta and cutting up tomatoes , cucumbers and pickles . during all of that i heard the lock on the door "click" and I had realised that my dad came home.

" I'm home " he shouted .

" Ooh hey, what's up ? " I asked.

" I brought croquettes ! "

" Cool, but dinners almost ready "

" Where's mom ? " He asked.

"She went out " I answered 

"Well more for us" he said with a slight grin on his face , did she say anything ?

Just said no don't come looking for me ...... But , maybe we should .

"I'm sure she'll be back after fighting with her boyfriend he commented .......

As we were eating , the only thing I could hear was the radio. The weatherman was on and talking about the rain season . 

"Ooh I had almost forgot to tell you I found a place and that I'll be moving in next month " he said .

"With her ??" I asked .

"She's ready , I'm ready it's really not that big a deal ."

"So that's why mom left ? You told her that you'd be moving in with her ?"

"You know ? I wish that you'd realise that were not kids anymore , that's why she only dates guys our age . it's just you cause your the only one here that looks like a hundred miles of shity highway " he said joking around .

"Okay sinds I look so beat up you can do the dishes ! "

I went upstairs to my bedroom and continued my project . As dad finished showering he came out and asked me ," Won't you be glad that well get more space next month ? "

" I hope so " I replied as he started walking to his bed I called him . 

"Ooh hey do you know what this means ?" I gave him a paper that had writings on it .

What is this a kairu ? He asked .

It's a Tonka I said .

"Ok "he replied"  ask your mom when she gets back ".

I stayed up late that night working on my project and then I went to sleep.

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