the beginning

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"Kaison, can you come in here please" my mother calls out from the living room, at the sound of me coming in through the front door. I hang my bag on one of the hooks in the front hall before entering the living room on my left.

"Yeah," I begin slowly, but trail off when I see both my parents sitting on the couch, with looks that make me think that they're about to give me bad news. The last time they had those looks it was because they weren't sure how to tell me that one of the neighbors ran over Lucky, my dog. I take a deep breath "I got an A on my science test" I tell them, trying to break the ice.

"That's great sweetie, we're really proud of you," my father says, but he didn't actually sound like he was listening, and he's not really looking at me, just staring at the wall, "um, but there's something we need to tell you."

He looks at my mother but she doesn't say anything so he continues, he looks at me finally "me and your mother," he struggles to make eye contact and gives up trying, choosing to look down at my feet instead "me and your mother are, are getting a divorce."

"Wait, what? You, you, you can't," I sputter out "Why?"

"Me and your father just grew apart" my mother tells me but I can tell she's lying, she's drumming her fingers on her lap, which is a dead give a way.

I turn to my father, looking at him accusingly "you didn't stop did you, you said it was one time and you weren't ever going to do it again, you lied. " I yell at him for breaking his promise.

"Kaison, you knew" my mother looks at me with hurt in her eyes, and my body drains from the anger I was just feeling towards my father, being replaced with guilt for not being the one to tell my mother.

"I, I have to go" I say before running out of the house, not being able to face her and wanting to get away for a moment in order to have time to think things over. All I can think about is how my father was cheating on my mother, I Had found out a couple months ago when I was over at my best friend, Mikey's, house. His mother's old college roommate was visiting and I had walked in to the bathroom to find my father and her kissing. I wanted to tell my mother immediately, but my father had begged me not to tell, and promised it was one time and wouldn't happen again. I've always wanted to do whatever I could to please my parents and make them proud of me, and I guess I thought that keeping my Fathers secret would keep both my parents happy, but I was wrong, so wrong. As I ran out of the house I didn't know where I was going, but I just needed time to think.


My head is killing me when I wake up, I look around at my surroundings and realize that I'm somewhere in the woods. My memory's a little foggy and I start to panic until I remember the events from yesterday and I recall running out of the house after my parents told me they were getting a divorce. They're probably worried about me, and I'm going to be in so much trouble when I get home. I've never really been in trouble before, I get straight A's, I have perfect attendance, I do everything thing I'm ever told, in all honesty I actually don't remember a single time in my life that I was even slightly scolded for something.

It takes me two hours to find my way out of the woods and luckily, I come out at Old Miller road, which goes straight in to town. I've been walking about fifteen minutes when a police car slows down and stop beside me. "you look a little young to be all the way out here by yourself, do your parents know where you are, do you need a ride?" The officer questions me, concerned.

"Um yeah, thanks" I tell him as he gets out and comes around to open the passenger side door for me.

"Where do you live" he asks after he gets back to the other side and gets in, while I'm buckling my seat belt.

"128 west Pakington St." I tell him, and this weird look cross' over his face as he shifts the car back into drive, and we begin our way into town.

"Are you sure? that house was torn down years ago" he tells me.

I laugh "how could that be possible I was just there last night" I tell him as I take in his appearance, his badge reads "S. Camryn," he has light brown hair, Blue eyes, a narrow jaw line and a crooked nose.

"Maybe I'm thinking of the wrong house" he says, the look not leaving his face. He then glances at me "You know you look familiar, what's your name?"

"Kaison Knighthood" I tell him as we're entering town, driving past the big sign saying "Welcome to Smallveiw" before passing a couple houses on the edge of town.

"Kaison, that's not a common name, and the name Knighthood sounds familiar" he says as if he's trying to remember something, all of a sudden, his phone rings.

"Hello...yeah, I'll be home in thirty minutes I just have to drop a girl off, I offered to give her a ride home.... yeah... okay, hey does the name Kaison knighthood sound familiar... What do you mean that's not funny... Wait what?... one more question did she live at 128 west Pakington St... I'll tell you when I get there... alright love you too, see you soon," He then hangs up and looks at me. "I know I said I'd take you home but I need to talk to my wife really quick and then we'll be on our way, is that okay?" I nod, I mean I'm already in trouble, and being escorted by a police officer home probably won't make it look any better so a couple more minutes isn't going to affect anything.

After about two more minutes of driving we stop in front of a two-story light blue house with a wraparound porch. "I'll just be a minute wait here" he says before getting out of the car and heading inside. He then comes out with a woman that looks a lot like an older version of my best friend Clare.

The woman, who I'm assuming is his wife, gasps "Oh My God, Kaison?"

"Do I know you" surprise goes over her face and she looks like she's seeing a ghost, I honestly have no idea what's going on and I'm starting to get concerned.

"It can't be, you don't look any older than the day you went missing" she says more to herself then me, causing me to be a little confused, this whole situation is getting weirder and weirder.

She takes a couple step closer, cautious, like she's scared I'm going to disappear or something. "What are you talking about, I never went missing." This whole day is just getting more confusing by the second, all I want to do is just go home.

"Clare's going to take you home, since I got called into the station" officer Camryn tells me. I nod a little stunned at what he just called her, she can't be Clare, she's at least 15 years older than me. I get out of the car and walk over to her; she's recomposed herself since first seeing me and She silently leads me to her car. The entire way they wonder if maybe I had somehow entered the twilight zone or something.

It isn't until we pull onto my block that she says anything "Kaison, there's something you should know," I look at her, so many thoughts going through my head, and I'm starting to get concerned that I hit my head and it's causing hallucination's or something. "You've been missing for the last seventeen years."

My first thought is this is some kind of joke they're playing on me, but when I see the empty slot where my childhood home used to be, I know she's telling the truth. "No" is all I say, desperately not wanting it to be real, as the tears start running down my face. Clare tries comforting me with a hug but it doesn't work. I mean how do you make someone feel better about waking up and finding out that their entire life is gone. It's not possible, there's no way this is happening it has to be a dream.

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