I didn't know

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A couple days later I'm in the medical center with Carson talking, while Hy'Mia, that's the woman's name, takes blood samples and other things as to run test and gather the right materials for the serum. Me and Carson are laughing about something when the door burst open, and Emery walks in looking mad. Carson puts her hands up in what looks like surrender, "I didn't do anything, I swear" Emery doesn't even look her way.

Instead she narrows her eyes at Hy'Mia, "why is it nobody thought to inform me that they were going to preform test on my daughter!" she says accusingly.

Hy'Mia looks slightly scared, "I, I guess it just slipped my mind. Bryden asked me to do it, he thinks there's something different about her" this was also true, but Hy'Mia decided to use it as a Cover, so she could make the serum without her siblings finding out.

"Well Bryden didn't ask my permission so stop right now" she says angerly.

"Well it's not your decision, it's mine and I said it was fine" I say confidently, while standing up.

She then turns her gaze to me and Carson pulls me back down "I don't think now is the time to be exercising your rights" she whispers to me.

"Kaison, I am your mother, it is my decision, and I said that it's not happening" she says to me.

I stand back up and glare at her, "you are not my mother, it's my decision, and I say it is happening" I instantly regret this decision as soon as I see her face change from what I thought was anger to outrage.

"Go to your room, now!" she growls out pointing towards the door. I don't even hesitate before leaving the room and rushing toward my own. I sit down on my bed and wait, unsure now on what to do. But I didn't have long to contemplate it, because soon enough my door opens, and I take a deep breath expecting Emery to walk in.

But then I'm surprised when it's just Jasper, "hey," she says coming in "I don't know what you did, but mom is seriously angry."

I look down, "I didn't do anything really" I say in a small voice.

She rolls her eyes and sits down on the bed next to me, "really? Then how come when I passed her in the hallway, she had this 'I might be burying a body later' look on her face and she was mumbling a lot of words I would rather not repeat, along with your name" she says, causing me to look at her.

"How bad do you think it is?" I ask her.

"You might want to get used to seeing these four walls, there's a good chance you'll be spending the next seventeen years in here" she says, and I look at her, my eyes wide. She laughs, "kidding, but at least the next ten" I glare at her.

"You're not funny" I tell her.

"Of course I am, " she says grinning "but seriously, what did you do, the last time I saw her that mad was when Charlie and Ashton decided to mess with the locking mechanism to her room as a prank and she got stuck in there for a week," she laughs at the memory, "I remember Charlie hid for about two days before mom found her" and almost at the mention of her name Charlie walks in.

"Jasper I think she's madder than that time you and Collen blew up one of the ovens in the kitchen area." Charlie says sitting on a chair next to my bed.

I groan "you guys are really helping here, I feel so much better." I tell them sarcastically.

"Sorry," Charlie says, "What'cha do anyways?"

"It wasn't really that bad, I just told her that she wasn't my mother and that she didn't get a say in any of the decisions I make" I tell them, and I can feel Jasper wince from beside me.

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