the article

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"Archer get off of me," I yell, trapped on the couch because archer weighs like a ton, "I'm going to kill you."

A couple minutes ago Archer ran into the living room yelled dog pile and then jumped on me. "I'll only get up if you admit that I am the handsomest, smartest, bestest big brother in the world" he says and I can almost hear the smirk in his voice.

"Never" I push at him more but he doesn't budge.

Then I hear the front door open "hey where is everybody?"

"Sam help me! Archer won't get off of me" I yell for him.

He comes into the room chuckling "Archer get off of your sister."

"Not until she admits that I'm her big brother and how handsome and strong I am, oh and smart" he tells Sam.

"Well kais, you heard him" Sam says clearly enjoying himself.

"I don't like you anymore" I glare at him in the door way.

They both laugh. "urgh, fine I'll do it, archeristhebestesrandsmartesr-andmosthandsomesrbigbrotherever." I mumble out as quickly as possible.

"What did you say? I couldn't hear it, slow down this time." Archer says and I swear I'm going to kill him later.

"I said, archer is the bestest, smartest, handsomest, big brother ever" I glare at him.

He gets up "that is all I ever wanted to hear little sis" he smirks.

I shoot up "I'm going to kill you" he runs out of the room laughing and I'm about to chase after him when Sam puts out his hand and stops me from running by.

"Where's Clare and the little ones?" he asks.

"K.C. had a project to work on with another kid in her class and Clare needed to pick up some groceries, so she took chase with her since I'm not allowed to watch them anymore" I explain.

"Alright you may proceed in killing Archer, just don't break anything and clean up after your self's" he then sits down in the living room and begins watching TV.

I hear something upstairs and instantly run to my room to find Archer standing there. "Oooo, what is this, a journal?" he's holding the binder that Clare gave me the first day here.

"Archer put that down!" I say with a warning in my voice.

"I wonder what's in it" he starts to open it and I run across the room.

"No! Don't!" I'm too late.

His face pales as he flips through the pages "Wh, why do you have this?"

"It was Clare's she said she made it to try and find me" I say quietly sitting on the bed next to him.

"I never saw or heard about any of these articles, my mom and dad didn't want me reading them. Now I know why, it makes my skin crawl" he says starring at the book.

"What do you mean, they're just articles about how I was still missing, and if they found any clues" I look at him confused.

"Have you looked at all these articles?" he asks with his eyebrow raised.

"No why?" I ask, now curious as to what he's referring too.

"Uh, no reason, you should just throw it away, here I'll do it for you." He starts to stand up but I grab the book from him.

"No let me see" I look at some of the articles and then I see it. A letter sent into the newspaper by an unanimous person, describing how I was taken, tortured, going into detail, then dumped in the woods. It wouldn't have been that big a deal if it wasn't for the fact that nowhere in the letter it said that I was killed, and at the end it didn't say I was dropped in the woods, it said I will be.

I stand up dropping the book on the ground, and run to the bathroom, barley making it in time to throw up. "Kaison are you okay" Archer comes in after me. I just turn around, hug my knees and begin to cry, as thoughts of my nightmare comes back to me. He pulls me towards him and starts trying to sooth me, "Shh, shh, it's okay" he rubs circles on my back.

A couple minutes later we hear a door open down stairs. He looks at me "wait here, I'll go get Clare" he stands up and leaves only to come back with Clare a few seconds later.

She looks at me before getting on the ground and pulling me towards her. "Kaison what's wrong?" she strokes my hair while holding my head in her lap.

"She saw that article" Archer explains, and all of his previous personality traits are gone and all is left is the demeanor of a worried older brother.

"What article?" Clare asks.

Archer runs out if the room and returns with the binder, he hands it to her "this one."

Clare reads it, then looks up at archer "go get Sam" she tells Archer with urgency.

He runs out and you can hear his footsteps on the stairs. Seconds later him and Sam appear, "what's going on?"

"Archer, stay with Kaison" Clare says and Archer nods before taking her place.

Clare closes the door, but I can still hear her and Sam's conversation. "Sam, someone was in the house."

"What do you mean, what's going on with Kaison?" I hear Sam ask.

"She saw an article in this book, it wasn't there before, someone put it there for her to find" Clare tells him.

"Are you sure?" Sam sounds skeptical.

"Yes, I'm sure, I know every article in that book and this wasn't one of them!" Clare's getting mad.

"Alright, I'll call Rufus, see if he can get us a good security system. No one's going to get in now." I hear Sam say before the sound of steps going down stairs.

Clare comes back in, she bends down, and runs a hand across my cheek, "Kaison sweetie, can you tell me what was so upsetting about this article?"

"Tha, th, that's what happened," I mumble out still crying "it said that they waited till I was alone, then when I turned to call out to my friend in a flash, they took me and I was gone. Then it says they tortured me, and that they were going to drop me in the woods. Clare, I turned to call out to Mikey, when there was a flash. my nightmares of those people hurting me, and I woke up in the woods."

"Shh, shh, shh it's okay. It's over they're not going to hurt you anymore," Clare soothes. "Archer can you take her to her room?"

He nods and then picks me up and carries me to my room before laying me down on my bed. He starts to leave but I reach out and grab his hand. "Don't leave me alone." He nods and pulls the desk chair over so he can sit in it and hold my hand. After a couple minutes I decide to say something, "Archer?"

"Yeah?" he answers.

"You're a good brother," he lightly laughs. "I mean it, you're the bestest, smartest, strongest, most handsomest big brother ever" he laughs at this and I laugh too.

"What if they take me again?" I ask weakly, the mood changing.

He moves the hair on my forehead "I won't let them" he whispers. After that everything fades out as I fall asleep.

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