Grandma's here

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"Mom, we were going to tell you" Sam says.

"Oh, nonsense, you were not, now let me come in so I can meet my new granddaughter" the old lady says while shoving past Sam.

She stops in front of me "well aren't you beautiful" she says cupping both sides of my head.

"Thanks" I say awkwardly, not use to someone examining me so closely.

"I mean just look at that hair, and those eyes, has anyone told you you've got good eyes, you must drive all the boy's crazy with those eyes" she continues. My hair really isn't that Great, I mean it's a dark red, almost brown, but the eyes part I get. People have always told me they liked my eyes. They're dark blue, almost purple with a vibrant gold exploding from the center.

"Mom, maybe you should give her some room" Sam suggest.

"Oh alright, what happened to your kitchen?" She looks over my shoulder.

"Oh that, the kids thought it would be a good idea to run wild while Kaison was babysitting," Clare explains "you should have seen it, they had her tied to a chair, not that we support it or anything, but it sure was funny" She laughs.

"Ha, ha, it was so funny," I say drily. "I'm going to go change" I tell them and they all nod.

When I come back down stairs everyone is sitting in the living room "so does it get wired with the name thing, I mean what were the odds. It's such a rare name" Sam's mother is talking as I enter the room.

"Not really, K.C. goes by her nick name any ways" Sam tells her. "and her parents named her after the same person, who they also had a connection too."

Sam's mother nods before seeing me "Oh, there you are sweetie, come sit next to me" she pats the seat next to her. I walk over and sit down "tell me about yourself, what grade are you in, what do you want to be when you grow up, what are some things you like?" She shoots questions at me.

"Um" I say at the same time Sam go's "mom your overwhelming her."

"I'm just trying to get to know her" she tells him.

"Well maybe you could get to know her a little slower" Clare suggest.

She sighs "alright, what grade are you in?"

"Ninth" I say simply.

"Okay, and what do you want to be when you grow up?" She asks next.

"An adult" I say bluntly without realizing it, causing Sam to look at me. His mother laughs "you got a good since of humor, I like that." She says to me.

"So how long are you visiting?" Clare asks her mother in-law.

"Not long, I actually came to see if I could take the kids for the night." She comes out with.

"Actually, the kids are all grounded, so" Sam trails off.

"What for?" She questions him.

"The younger ones for the Stunt they pulled earlier, and Kaison for sneaking out and getting arrested" Clare says.

"You were arrested, what'd you do?" She looks at me interested.

"Trespassed, and they let us off with a warning" I tell her.

"Trespassing really? Where were you trespassing, was it worth it?" she asks.

I nod "yes, it was amazing, it was at a pond in the back of the Owen's property" I say causing Sam and Clare both to look at me pointedly "but I won't be doing it again" I say, obviously for their benefit.

"Were you by yourself or did you go there with someone?" she says.

"My friend Noah took me, he didn't know we were trespassing" I explain, not wanting them to think he's a bad influence.

"A boy, is he cute" she says at the same time Clare says "Noah Colleen's, that kid isn't a good person for you to be hanging around."

I look at Clare "what?" I say confused.

"I don't want you hanging out with him, he's nothing but trouble" Clare says.

"You don't even know him" I argue back, feeling so cliché right now.

"Maybe we should talk about this later, mom I think you should take the kids tonight. Kaison go get ready and tell Chase and K.C. to get ready too" Sam tries to change the subject, and defuse the potential argument that was about to take place.

"Fine but we're talking about this tomorrow" Clare relents.

"Talk about what, I'm not going to stop being friends with Noah just because you say so" I argue back, not letting it go.

"Kaison," Sam says, with a 'don't push it' look on his face "go get ready."

I let out a huff before leaving the room, looking much like a toddler throwing a temper tantrum. I feel like all I do is fight with Sam and Clare. I never got into fights with my parents, I don't know if maybe it's the fact that Sam and Clare aren't my actual parents or if it's because Clare used to be my best friend. She still is, maybe it's the fact that I would of done anything to make my parents happy, so fighting wasn't ever a likely option, or maybe I've just changed.


An hour later, at Sam's mother's house me and her are sitting on the back porch while K.C. and Chase play in the back yard. She turns to look at me, and I notice she and Sam look alike. They both have blue eyes, and the same crooked nose. "Earlier at your house, what was that with your parent?"

"That," I say embarrassed by the memory "I don't know, I guess I just got upset that Clare said I couldn't be friends with Noah anymore."

"This Noah boy, you said it was his idea to trespass?" she looks at me, studying my face for my response.

"Yeah but he didn't know we were trespassing, he actually told me to go home so that my parents wouldn't worry about where I was, I'm the one that asked him to take me somewhere" I tell her so she doesn't pick Clare's side.

"Why didn't you take his advice?" She asks, sounding as if she really did want to know.

"I don't know," I say thinking about it "I guess maybe I wanted them to worry" I confess, just now coming to this realization myself.

"I don't know much about your first parents, but maybe they have a lot to do with why you're acting out" she tells me.

"What do you mean?" I look at her, not sure where she's going with this.

"maybe the reason you're getting in trouble on purpose is your way of testing my son and Clare" she states.

I sigh "My parents and I weren't very close, I always felt that I had to be perfect for them to love me" I say, the realization that I had actually voiced that thought out loud, hitting me and I look down at my lap.

She lifts my chin up so that I'm looking her in the eyes, "you don't have to be perfect, and trust me Sam and Clare will love you no matter what, if they didn't then you wouldn't be living with them, and they wouldn't get so upset with you when you act up."

I give her a small smile, "thanks for the talking with me."

"No problem, and now I think it's time we start dinner, don't you?" She says getting up, calling K.C. and Chase before going inside.

I follow her into the kitchen, "Mrs. Camryn, you won't tell them what I told you, right?"

"Sweetie, I'm not going to tell them nothing they don't need to hear, and call me Grandma" she says, I let out a relived breath of air.

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