no, this can't be happening

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It's only been twenty minutes, but it feels like hours. I'm just glad it's finally over. Me and Sam are in his squad car, on our way to the house so he can drop me off since I'm not going to school today. I look at Sam, "I really am sorry, I didn't mean to make you worry" I tell him.

He glances at me before sighing "I know, I just wish you wouldn't run away every time something upset you."

"I'm sorry, I really am trying to work on that" I look down at my lap.

He sighs again "look, I understand that you wanted to think last night, after hearing that story, but that's what you have a room for, a place you can be alone and think."

I play with my fingers, unsure of if I should ask or not "Sam, can I ask you a question?"

"Only if I get to ask you one too" he says.

I look at him nervously, "did you really say you loved me?"

He looks at me "of course, I think of you as a daughter."

I smile, "thanks" I say as he pulls up to the house.

I'm about to get out when he reaches out and puts his hand on my shoulder, "wait, it's my turn to ask a question"

"Okay what?" I turn back to face him.

"Did anything happen, and don't lie" I was about to be upset that he kept asking me and not believing my answer, but then I see his face and realize that he's just worried about me.

I sigh, knowing I can't be mad at him. "No, nothing happened," I take another look at him "if I was lying, I would be biting my lip, Clare says I do that when I lie."

He nods, "okay I believe you," he looks over at the house "we should get inside so you can stop their worrying." I nod and we both get out and go inside, once in, Clare comes running out of the living room. Her eyes are all puffy and red, and I instantly know she's been crying.

She hugs me almost as tight as Sam did earlier. "I thought you were never coming back" she mumbles and I feel even more guilty. "you promised that you would stop doing that."

"I'm sorry, I just needed time to think" I hug her back.

Then there's the sound of feet running down the stairs and I look up to see Chase and K.C. running down the stairs. "Kaison" they both scream while running up and hugging me. Then K.C. let go of me and smacked my arm, everyone looks at her, "that's for making mommy cry, and daddy worry" she tells me.

I rub my arm "yeah, I deserved that," I then leaning down to her level "I'm really sorry, can you forgive me?"

She nods her head "okay, but next time you're in big trouble."

"I understand" I say while picking her up, and sitting her on my hip.

Sam clears his throat "I should probably take the kids to school, chase, K.C. get your back packs and let's go"

I put K.C. down and she gets her backpack and hugs her mom before running out the door. Chase looks at me "promise you'll be here when I get home?" he said in his cute little kid voice.

"I promise," I smile and kiss him on the forehead, and then brush his blond bags to the side, "now go to school."

"okay" he runs out after K.C. and Sam follows.

I turn back to Clare and see her smiling "they really love you."

"yeah I love them too" I smile.

Then Clare drops hers "we need to talk."

"Yeah, I figured" I follow her to the living room and we sit down on the couch.

"After you left last night your dad told me something" she says not making eye contact.

I scrunch up my eyebrows, I can't believe that there's more he hasn't told me, "yeah where is he anyways."

"I figured you probably didn't want to see him" she tells me.

"Thanks" I say quietly.

"Kaison he told me something about your mom" she looks uncomfortable.

"What?" I ask, starting to panic.

"She was in a car accident two years ago, she's dead" Clare tells me and I feel like I've been hit with a wave of water, and I'm struggling to get back to the surface.

"No, you're lying, that's not true" it can't be, she can't be dead.

"Kaison I'm sorry" Clare tells me, while reaching out to comfort me. Instead I just back up and run up the stairs to my room. I lock the door then sink down to the floor and cry, just yesterday I found out that Mikey had died, and that I wasn't even my parent's real child, now I find out that my mother is dead. Could things get worse?


I wake up on the floor by my door, thankfully its carpet, I guess I must have cried myself to sleep. I glance over to the clock and see that it's three in the morning. I can't believe I slept that long, I decide to go down stairs and get something to eat, since I missed lunch and dinner. When I get down there, I jump when I see someone else in the kitchen. "Oh, I didn't mean to scare you," Clare says looking at me, "are you feeling better?"

"No, my mom's dead, and I'm some kind of adopted alien freak" I tell her, probably with a little more attitude than needed.

"I understand that your upset, and you'll probably want some time to deal with everything, but your dad called earlier while you were sleeping" she looks down at the ground.

"What he say?" she seriously can't have any more bad news for me.

"Well he extended his stay another week, but, " she pauses and I can tell she doesn't want to tell me, "he wants you to go with him when he goes back."

"What? no way, all he's ever down is lie to me!" I yell at her, as if she's the one I'm mad at.

"Kaison, he's your father, I can't just keep you" she tries to calm me down.

"You said I could stay, and he can't prove that he's my father without looking crazy" I tell her, noticing that she looks about ready to cry, and I feel bad for yelling at her.

"Kaison-" she starts but I interrupt her.

"No, all of your paper work says that I'm your child, and if he tries to do anything everyone will think he's crazy because Kaison knighthood disappeared seventeen years ago at the age of fifteen. No one would believe him that we're the same person" I tell her.

"Kaison, what happens when you forgive him and he's on the other side of the country" she tries to reason.

"I won't" I say bitterly.

"Well then you're the one who has to tell him" she says, and it's clear that I've won. She walks over and hugs me "I didn't want you to leave anyways" she whispers. Then she pulls away, and looks at me more seriously, "I made a doctor's appointment for you tomorrow, or well today technically."

"Why? I'm not sick" I ask confused.

"I thought it was weird that those people who gave you to your father never wanted you to see a doctor. That got me thinking, about how you've never been sick, and that time when we thought you broke your arm, but it was all healed by the next day" she tells me.

That's when I realize she's right, I groan "god I'm even more of a freak then I thought," then a thought hits me "wait what happens when my test results come back and there not normal?"

"Remember my guy," I nod "well he happens to be a doctor, and I trust him, he won't tell anyone."

My jaw drops "Scott Joan's became a doctor, the kid who used to pull the fire alarm to get out of a science test?"

Clare laughs "yep, certified and everything"

"I'll have to see that to believe it" I mumble still shocked.

"Well you will tomorrow, so get to bed" she pushes me towards the stairs.

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