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Have you ever looked at someone and immediately felt your heart flutter and butterflies in your stomach? I know for a fact that I have and it happens every day. I'm not going to sugarcoat anything and I am going to get right to the point. I, Emerson Kai Gamble, am in love with my best friend. Yes, I realize how cliche that sounds and to be completely honest with you, I wish it was cliche.

If this was a cliche love story, my crush on my best friend could go two ways. I either tell him and he becomes absolutely disgusted and never talks to me again or we go through ups and downs and end up together. I am hoping the latter, but I know that won't happen for many reasons.

For starters, I am a guy and my best friend just so happens to be a guy as well. Secondly, my best friend is by far the densest and most oblivious person in the world. Of course, he isn't stupid; he's a straight a student. It's just that he's so, I don't know, boring. All he does is school work and he'll occasionally listen to music. Other than that it's like sitting beside a wall. A wall with a nice body and a beautiful face.

Sometimes I think that the only reason he talks to me is to vent about his problems when he makes below a ninety-five on any assignment. Maybe I'm wrong, but that boy is just flat out strange.

"Emerson!" I was startled out of my thoughts when Parker practically shouted my name.

"Sorry, were you saying something," I questioned him, feigning innocence. Parker rolled his eyes, which was rare because he never did anything to show how he was feeling.

"I was saying that you need to finish your school work. Education is key to success, and without-" And that is where I tuned him out again. I couldn't with this boy, but I dealt with it anyway because I love him.


Yeah so that was the first part I guess. I hope you enjoyed it. Hopefully, it gets better. This is a short story btw.


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