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Sometimes I wondered if Parker ever cared about me. Everything was so hot and cold with him. One minute we're all cuddled up and he's treating me like his wife and then he'll ignore me for days at a time.

Today, or rather this week, was one of those times. I mean, I could've called and told him that I wasn't going to be in school, but in my defence, I am in a lot of pain and moving is something that I don't really want to do.

When I got a call at twelve in the evening on Thursday, I ignored it. Not out of spite, I just wasn't feeling too well. It was only after the tenth call that I decided to answer the phone.

"What the actual fuck Emerson! I've called you ten times. Where the hell are you and why haven't you been at school all fucking week?" I silently gulped, knowing that Parker was angry. He only cursed when he was really upset.

"I haven't been feeling too well and it hurts to move," I whimpered, afraid of his response.

"Oh. Okay then. Sorry for yelling at you. I guess I'll see you when you get back to school." With that, Parker hung up. Maybe he doesn't care about me as much as I care about him.

What I wasn't expecting was Parker to walk into my room half an hour later with flowers, movies, and dark chocolate.

"What's wrong Em," he asked as he put his hand on my forehead. My words were caught in my throat as I stared into his pale blue eyes. They were filled with so much concern that it made my heart melt.

"My stomach's been cramping up really bad and my back kills. My mom told me to wait it out and see what happens," I whimpered out. Parker immediately pushed me back down on the bed and walked out of the room. When he came back, he placed something on my nightstand before sitting on the bed.

He pulled my shorts down and also took off my shirt, leaving me in nothing but a pair of yellow boy shorts.

"What are you doing," I asked while looking in the other direction out of embarrassment.

"Put this on your stomach," he said while handing me a heating pad. I placed it on my lower abdomen before he continued.

"Now turn around." I listened to what he said and turned so that I was lying on my chest.

After a couple of minutes, I felt a warm liquid on my back. He then slowly started to work his large hands over my tense areas. I couldn't help but let out a few moans and whimpers. It honestly felt amazing and I forgot about the pain I was previously in for the time being.

Once he was finished massaging my back, he wiped the oil off with a small towel and then handed me one of the many shirts he had in my room. I happily sat up and gave him a cheeky smile.

"Yellow really is your colour, Em." I looked at him and noticed the small smile he had on his face.

"T-thanks. What else do you have?" Parker chuckled and took out a few DVDs. A lot of them were Scooby-doo DVDs, which I was happy about because that was my favourite show.

Once he got the shows playing, he took off his shirt and put on a pair of sweatpants before sliding in the bed beside me. He handed me the pack of chocolate so that he could get comfortable.

As soon as he was situated, he opened his arms and I happily snuggled up into his chest. He started to softly kiss the side of my head and my cheeks before placing a kiss on my nose. It was times like these that made me fall deeper and deeper in love with him.

"I love you, Parker," I whispered into his neck, not expecting him to reply.

"I love you too, Emerson. I'll always love you," he said.

Maybe he did care about me. A lot more than I thought he did.


    That was so cute ermergerd. I need a Parker in my life because T-T. This will be ending in about two or three chapters.

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