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Sunlight poured into the room, shining brightly on my face. I slowly sat up and attempted to rub the sleep out of my eyes. I was practically jumping up and down at the fact that it was Friday and we had a three day weekend. I felt the bed stir beside me, causing me to turn my attention to that.

Parker was lying on his chest with his arms tucked under the pillow. I stared at his pale skin, so pale that it was almost pure white, and the muscles in his back that flexed as he moved. His pale blonde hair was lying messily on his forehead and his light brown eyelashes fanned across his freckled cheeks.

As you could probably tell, I could sit there and watch him all day, but he'd get upset if he were late to school. Insert the annoyed emoji at the mention of him and school. I decided to get up and do something productive with my life, which just so happened to make my man some breakfast. A guy could dream, right?

I slipped on his olive green shirt and a pair of running shorts, which just so happened to be my sister's, before heading downstairs. Upon arriving in the kitchen, I saw my mom sitting at the table drinking a cup of coffee.

"G'mornin mommy," I said enthusiastically while placing a kiss on her cheek. She chuckled before turning her hazel eyes on me.

"Good morning my baby. Is that Parker's shirt? I didn't know that he was here," my mom stated while smirking. She knew about my crush on Parker and she liked to throw it in my face.

"Okay one, Parker is always here and two, it is too early in the morning for this mess." My mom laughed while quickly throwing her kinky hair into a bun.

"Okay then," she said loudly, her Jamaican accent coming through. My mom was born in Jamaica, but she moved to America when she was fifteen years old.

I giggled and went on to make breakfast for Parker. Since he was extremely picky about what he put in his stomach, I settled for a simple omelette with one slice of cheese, one piece of bacon, and one sausage. I also made him a blueberry and pomegranate smoothie because he was just that special.

Parker stumbled down the stairs just before I was about to call him down. He had on his vintage 80s glasses because his eyes were just that bad and a pair of basketball shorts, which he went commando in. I cleared my throat and quickly turned away.

"I made you breakfast, Parker," I said while handing him a plate of food and his smoothie. He mumbled out a thank you and kissed me on my forehead before sitting at the table.

"Good morning ma," Parker greeted my mom. His mom died when we were still in elementary school and he didn't know much about his dad. He lived with his grandparents, but he spent most of his time at my house, so he eventually started to refer to my mom as ma.

"Good morning Parker. Did you notice Emerson wearing your shirt?" I glared at my mother from behind Parker. She's walking on thin ice. Parker turned to look at me before shaking his head.

"I was looking for that, Em." His eyes travelled down to my bare legs before making their way back to my face. "Are you wearing anything under there?" It was times like these that I was thankful for having dark skin so he wouldn't notice the blood rushing to my cheeks.

"Yes, I am! And you have no room to talk Mr.Commando," I sputtered out without thinking. Parker's face turned a light shade of pink and I face palmed myself for being an idiot.

"Well, I have to get to work. Make sure you two get to school on time. And no fooling around," my mom giggled out while sending a wink in my direction. Sometimes I hated how she took me being gay to the extreme. She thought that because my sister was in college, she could make me her next daughter.

"Sit down and eat Emerson."

"Oh, I didn't make anything for myself." That was obviously the wrong thing to say because Parker glared at me and yanked me down into the chair beside him.

When I opened my mouth to protest, he stuffed some of his omelette in my mouth. Wow, I am an awesome cook.

The rest of the morning consisted of Parker feeding me and us getting ready for school. Even in a green flannel and black skinny jeans, Parker looked absolutely stunning. Green really was his colour.


"Hey Parker, what did you get for number fifteen?" We were currently sitting on my bed doing homework and I was struggling to get it done. I didn't particularly hate math, but pre-cal trigonometry was difficult for me and it was making me wish I didn't exist.

"Three over five," he mumbled before going back to problem thirty. I stared at him for a few minutes before sighing in defeat.

"Parker! I don't know how to do this. I got 169 for number fifteen," I complained. Parker stopped writing and gave me the most confused look I've ever seen.

"How? You're finding cosine, which is adjacent over hypotenuse and the adjacent is 3 and the hypotenuse is five. You're doing the Pythagorean theorem which isn't what you're supposed to be doing," he sternly explained. "You need to pay more attention in class Emerson or you'll fail."

I couldn't help but stare at him. Adding to the fact that he was beautiful, he was incredibly intelligent. It was like everything he heard stayed in his brain, like a photographic memory. God, he was incredible.

"I'll just finish this tomorrow. I'm tired," I yawned out. Doing all of this work was making me exhausted.

Parker sighed and closed his notebook, signalling that he was finished. When he started to gather his things, I quickly hopped off of the bed.

"Where are you going," I asked apprehensively. Maybe he was upset that I didn't care about my education.

"Home," he simply stated.

"Is it because I didn't do my work? I care about my education Parker, I really do, I'm just tired," I stammered out while following him out the front door.

"What? No, Em. I haven't been home in three days. Plus Grams wants me to go meet a few of her coworkers at some dinner tomorrow." I sighed in relief and nodded my head. Parker's grandparents were in their late fifties so they still got up and moved around. His grandmother was the CEO of some major company in town.

"Okay then. I'll see you at school next week." Parker put his stuff in the car before coming back and giving me a hug, squeezing me in the process.

I watched Parker drive down the street and thought to myself.

What would I do if I didn't have him?


    There's the second (first??) chapter. I hope you enjoyed it. I'll try to add a lot of details but this is a short story so I don't want to add too much extra that would be in a normal length story.

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