Meet the amazing soldier

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Soldier:men these are the facts as i can say one youre sense of fashion has gone awall
Soldier looks at team with crazy costumes
Soldier:theres no room for fashonistas at the art of war
Soldier starts taking there hats off
Soldier then puts his helmets on the team
Soldier:gooood ATTAAAAACK!
Sniper gets in position but helmet gets in way
Scout about to hit an enemy but hits a wall
Spy planning to attack but you know
Also pyro sets spy on fire by accident hold your marrazmouses
Demoman:need a dispenser here
Then he falls of the cliff
Demoman:wat just happend
So scout and sniper put all the helmets in a barrel and blew it up
But spy gave them all disguises to make them look like there wearing soldiers helmets
Sniper:brilliant mate
Spy:slap my hand
Soldier:help me cap this point
They fought amazingly but a pyro throwed a axe then broke soldiers helm
Soldier:this is mine now
Gets heavys mask
Soldier:men here are the facts as i can say them youve been all been a shame dismiss
Soldier finding helmets
But cant find one heavy arrives
Heavy offers a pony hat
Soldier:id rather be nailed to the soviet flag than wear that
Heavy:everything you have is bad except for this
Soldier:your right
Soldier puts on the hat
Soldier:friendship is magic yay
Soldier punches himself
Soldier:im having a heart attack
Blacks out
Soldier:meeting men
Soldier:men here are the facts as i can say i am the prettiest unicorn my maign smells of lavender and i taste like cotton candy
Silent roams
Except for pyro who just claps
Medic and heavy try to get the hat of soldier
But fail
They caught soldier and try to un hypnotise him
So heavy wore so many annoying but cool hats
Soldier snaps back to normal and beats them up
Soldier:god bless america
Suddenly a eagle gave him a helmet
They both salute each other

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2017 ⏰

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